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Everything posted by StéphaneFrance

  1. Here translucent patch, very original. looks like vitro, origin England ;-) Vintage <3
  2. Thank you very much for warm welcome <3 Merci beaucoup. :-) Stéphane.
  3. Hello thank you very much. Unfortunately I do not know. I will find more information on this here in France . I will also show some examples of these splakers French. Merci beaucoup :-) Stéphane.
  4. Hello. Thank you very much for your welcome. I went to Holland many times, beautiful country with varied colors and locations. Your collection the Veiliglasse is impressive . I want to learn more about them . Merci beaucoup :-)
  5. Wirepulls Orange/red. different size of category <3
  6. Groupes Veiliglass <3 5/8 the orange who did not like the white :-) My favorite Splakers/caged/ inside buble on cotton bed <3 100 % French. <3
  7. Spectacular. one that I do not have :-/
  8. Great , thanks soo much. I have to find how to put more pictures here lol
  9. Green Wirepulls different size and category .
  10. Hello. I am French collector of Vintage and Antique marbles. I collect Cat-eyes / Splakers and other vintage ,but I love Veilliglass Flam and Wirepulls. I have to get used to how to navigate here and I'll post more photos . Thanks soo much. Stéphane. from France.
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