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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Dan

    Need help

    The 3 from left to right are 5/8 #4 Is 41/64. Light green base with white only on out side, darker ones same but with blue base.
  2. Are they collectable? See them on ebay $25 each
  3. Dan


    Check your mail I sent my ph number call I will explane it to you
  4. 5/8 Amber mib with light white cloud. Has apparently 1/4" air bubble inside
  5. Thank you there are alot of them
  6. Clear base light white swirl. Looks to be green matalic hhorse shoe. Looks kinda like Jabo ?
  7. Dan

    Who makes these

    Thought it was just had to know
  8. Just looked real close y they make it so hard
  9. Ment NLR working on phone no wyfi
  10. Mibs are 5/8" pictures are flopped
  11. Dan

    Pelt ?

    Just over 5/8 love the color
  12. Dan


    Randal I sent you a message
  13. Very nice read. Useing a phone camera s hard. Saving for a small camera. I been told many times about my pictures, and that is good. For now I am doing the best I can. I will get better for every. Day we learn. Thank you
  14. Nice 19/32 next investment good camara
  15. Dan

    Nice goose

    Nice mint 19/32
  16. Dan

    Red. Slag

    Mayb this time. Thank you for the help
  17. Dan


    Thanks good info
  18. Dan

    5/8 mib

    Sorry about double post did not think first went throught
  19. Dan

    5/8 mib

    Very diff. What would this type be, any value?
  20. Dan

    ??Not sure

    No Idea, any value and what is it
  21. Dan


    Gee thanks now I am all confused. Being a newbi is hard but fun. To old to learn alot but I will learn. Lol. I have read on these for a few days and still lost
  22. Dan


    I have 4 of these just need help 39/64
  23. Dan

    A little help

    Thank you for the info and teaching. Bought 1200 mibs for 25. Looking like alot of pelts
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