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Everything posted by Dan3087

  1. Dan3087

    Id help

    More marbles found under floor in 150yr old farm house. They look new.
  2. Dan3087

    Id help

    I know it's a German handmade onionskin but I'd like to put it up on ebay, see if I can sell to get some money to buy more marbles. No idea value but saw one very similar for 63$! 9/16 in diameter. So I guess what I'm asking is a good starting price(i know I probably won't get 60) any idea of a maker? And any other info about the marble I should put in the listing. Thankyou🤗
  3. Dan3087

    Id help

    Here's some pictures of the possible cac with vegetable oil rubbed on it.
  4. I will do that and post some better pictures.
  5. Did they make 3 colored hand gatherd?
  6. I know the first 4 are clay, I think the one on the end is also? Can't find anything similar online, any ideas?
  7. The two all the way to the right found while tilling a spot for a garden.
  8. Lol awesome thanks Steph! I'll let him know.
  9. There's one more picture, I'm having a hard time uploading it.
  10. A guy I work with recently bought a slingshot and told me he was shooting marbles😖 Told him to send me some pictures, now I'm no expert by a long shot but these all look pretty common to me.. he thinks some of them may be hand made, not perfectly round and many imperfections. I know it's tough to put a price on them all together but anyone have a rough number? And anyone see anything special that stands out?
  11. Trying to convince my wife to let me tear up the rest of the floors lol. It was actually in a squirrels nest under the 2nd floor so I'm thinking they may have been in the attic originally. There's probably a bag full marbles up there somewhere lol. Here's a pic of some other treasures I found with the marbles.
  12. I'm thinking about going to a bunch of antique shops around this weekend here to do some marble hunting. Anyone here ever have luck with that? This will be my first time actually going out too look for them and possibly buying some. Any suggestions/tips?
  13. Those are sweet I like the blue orange one. Funny I was just watching how they're made and thinking about trying it. No idea what the start up cost is though. I will be building my blacksmith forge finally so maby after I get that figured out lol.
  14. Yes that one in I the back is clay I think. I found it under my old subfloor close to the German handmade. Thanks for the info!
  15. Found all of these over the years in the house and around the yard/garden. No idea what they are but I think they're pretty cool and have been collecting them.
  16. Found this under the floor in my house. 11/16 is size. 2 pontils and a streak of red and possibly black in the center.
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