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Everything posted by boris64

  1. That is a HTF….. You have a butterscotch and a Tank In a couple of months….Not bad at all!
  2. Thanks mojo that really close to what it looks like ………..Thank everyone
  3. Did champion make hot wheels this small? Or is it a vacor?
  4. Butterscotch….. woe!! Nice marble!!!
  5. Is that a brown or gold color??
  6. boris64

    3/4 WVS

    yes ....totally home made.... sorry......nicw marble..... looks like a almost strawberry shortcake.....for me the white doesnt look right to be CAC
  7. Not sure what a wispler is
  8. I find those oranggish pelts once and awhile and neverknew what nickname they have.......love the cutline on that one
  9. I see what looks to be a slag
  10. boris64

    3/4 WVS

    Alley …jelly toast
  11. I made it up…..Looks like one tho
  12. Oohhhy…..its a pelt>>>>nice…..alligator eye???
  13. Vitro maybe……..clear base glass?
  14. To me it looks like a ravenswood……..why does my letter look super black???????
  15. Alley …. Ok great…. I will wrap the up … and put them in a box… got got more except they are in boxes.
  16. Big Boys , marble king 19 , and vitro shooter that looks like a swirl.. I know I shouldn’t but really want to open them. The marble kings have glow worms in them??!!,, making them Cario s?? Need Al Oregon
  17. It does have all thae qualification to be one . larger marble white on white , white used in the exodic type conqueers......i would love to have it in my hand......cuz i have never seen one... the color of the patch is the only thing that may be off. Is that the same color vitro uses in exodic conquers?
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