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Everything posted by Plutonianfire

  1. Aventurine sparkles aren’t always that easy to see. Please see attached photo of aventurine obelisk. You can see the sparkles but they are subtle. 😊
  2. I can’t clearly see aventurine throughout although there might be a hint in places. This marble was underground for 100 years.
  3. In the historic archives on this site, I found an entire section on Ravenswood marbles by Marble Alan. It is noted that: “Moving to transparent base glass Ravenswoods - the next type has a transparent emerald green base with jumbled white swirls throughout”. “I cannot explain why they used vaseline glass in a minority of the run. In my experience, vaseline glass was not used by Ravenswood - although I have two opaque florescent types” https://marbleconnection.com/topic/7584-ravenswood-novelty-marbles-a-review-of-varieties/ Please see attached photos.
  4. Please see photos of dark geen swirl that looks like it might be an Alley agate Shimmering Spruce.
  5. I’ve noticed that a couple of my photos have conspicuously featured a white hair. Please see photo of the contributor below.
  6. Please see two new photos, per you’re request.
  7. would the second one be a lemonade?
  8. Please see attached photos of one redhead batting eyelashes and a second redhead scantily clad.
  9. Please see attached photos. Looks like a Patriot.
  10. This would be #12. It was the very last set of marble photos that I uploaded
  11. Unlike all the others, the coloring of the base is not white. So, that makes sense.
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