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Everything posted by Plutonianfire

  1. The Champion Puce Swirls are pretty well known. A few references below: 1. https://www.westvirginiaswirls.com/champion?lightbox=dataItem-kjwznr934 (you have to scroll way down) 2. https://www.marblecollecting.com/marble-reference/online-marble-id-guide/other-u-s-companies/ (look in the first dish of Champion marbles) 3. Popular American Marbles - Pages 55-57
  2. Found a couple of puce (purplish brown) colored marbles and thought they might be Champion.
  3. Snowball is usually okay as long as the marbles don’t start rolling.
  4. Attached are photos for what might be two Akro Agate spiral onyx / snake marbles. Would very much appreciate any input. BTW, all of the marbles in my collection are incidental findings as a metal detectorist at house demolition and excavation sites in Nashville, TN. Most of the houses were built from about 1900 to 1950.
  5. They’re certainly all represented in the Akro mossie box photos included in your article … but the same colors and shapes also seem to be present in the Alley and Master box photos … at least to my eye.
  6. Please see attached photos of 5 mossies. I read Stephanie’s section on mossies but really can’t say whether Akro, Alley, or Master. From what I can gather, a translucent white base with a colored patch (opaque, translucent) is the defining characteristic.
  7. It’s just one marble but I’m thinking Christensen because the 9 is pretty clear.
  8. Attached are photos of 2 purple slags, 10/16” and 11/16”. Was thinking Christensen but not clearly seeing 9’s.
  9. Please see attached photos for three blue slags. Thinking maybe Akro or Peltier.
  10. Size is 0.639 in (16.2 mm) using digital calipers.
  11. The bright white upper boundary is pretty easy to see because it's larger than the colored patch.
  12. It is further noted that "Real Wedding Cakes have an off white base, with a colored patch on top and a bright white (icing like) border surrounding the colored patch." The bright white (icing like) border is hard to see because the marble is a bit worn. However, if you look closely it is there.
  13. On the Tapa Talk web site, the person who wrote the Vitro marbles article underscored that "A good way of testing to see if it's a Wedding Cake is to see if it glows". That's why I included the photo under UV light.
  14. Yes. I meant wedding cake. There are several examples from Tapa Talk. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/mibzandmore/vitro-agate-id-guide-t35.html Look pretty close to me.
  15. This marble fluoresces under UV light. Attached photos taken under normal light and UV light.
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