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Everything posted by Plutonianfire

  1. Summary of Opinions Marble #1 (Top right in original photo) Steph: I’m thinking WV swirl. Chad: WV swirl. Marble #2 (Top left in original photo) Steph: I would like to see if that one is a Peltier Rainbo. Chad: Leaning Peltier Rainbo. Marble #3 (Bottom. in original photo) Steph: Swirl? Slag? Rainbo? No guess yet. Chad: Slag. Best guess Akro.
  2. And some photos of the bottom marble. All three marbles are different sizes: top left. 0.61 in top right 0.655 in bottom 0.69 in
  3. Please see photos of five blue patches. Each one is different. One of them looks like a Vitro Phantom Conqueror. I’m hoping that some will be obvious without more pics. But if there are any that it would be helpful to have more pics of, please let me know.
  4. Please see photos of all six green patches under UV. Interestingly, the only one that really lights up is the one on top left in combined photo. The two on top right look the same. The bottom three, which Steph identified as Vitro Conquerors, all fluoresce the same although fluorescence is modest.
  5. whoops. It’s the third and gourth photos that show different amounts of light exposure
  6. Please see additional photos of the questionable marble. Based on your ID of the marbles to right and left as Akro moss agate, I think the one in middle might be the same. The first two new photos show variation in the same view based on differences in light exposure. This is pretty exciting to get some feedback on my marbles.
  7. Please see photos of two green corkscrews and six green patches. Corkscrews Akro? Patches Akro and Vitro?
  8. Please see photos of three similar dark blue swirls. Two fluoresce green and one fluoresces light blue. I wonder if that can help with identification?
  9. Please see photos of fluorescent green marbles under UV. Am trying to get IDs. I thought one might be a Peltier honey onyx.
  10. Please see photos of some other marbles that are glowing orange under UV
  11. I’ve noticed that “oxblood” marbles have a bright orange fluorescence pattern that differs from the typical fluorescent green from uranium in “depression glass”. Please see attached photos under normal light and long wave UV light. Any thoughts?
  12. I was way out of line. Please accept my apologies. I
  13. Here is url showing the translucent base of Vitro wedding cake. https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/gorgeous-vintage-vitro-wedding-cake-3852837008 I may stand corrected, but I bet NOBODY can show me a clear, head-on picture of an opaque base on a vitro wedding cake marble.
  14. I’d like to see the base of a bona fide wedding cake marble or at the very least a peer-reviewed reference unequivocally stating that the base of every wedding cake marble is opaque. I doubt very much that anyone can provide this . So, as far as I can tell, participants on this forum just make stuff up on the fly to support whatever position the spirit moves them to take.
  15. It’s completely opaque on the base but I can’t get the photos to show it right now. Until recently, this marble was underground … probably for almost 100 years.
  16. I will change the topic from Champion Puce Swirls to Champion Purplish Brown Swirls since it seems not everyone is familiar with the name puce for purplish brown.
  17. Puce is a color descriptor that I used. PURPLISH- BROWN. Does anybody dispute that these PURPLISH BROWN marbles are Champion?
  18. Thanks very much for your input! So much more helpful than “gee … I don’t see it … so you must be mistaken” Please see photos of all 4 sides
  19. Please see two more photos that show the two different whites.
  20. The first page of Champions on Marble Connection web page is largely puce swirls: https://marbleconnection.com/joemarbles/1Marble Picture Pages/06Champion/Champion 001/Champion Agate 1.html
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