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Everything posted by Mojo

  1. Really need some help here 0.985 inch Plz ID
  2. Mojo

    American ?

    More white but the red is transparant
  3. Mojo

    ID PLZ

    2 others Plz ID my friends
  4. Mojo

    American ?

    What do you mean ric ?
  5. Mojo

    American ?

    Is this ....it is...a beauty Plz ID 0.669 inch
  6. New one i recieved today Plz help me ID 0.985 inch Blue ish glass Awsome πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜Ž
  7. I see it also ..."The egg shape" , could be an illusion 🧐
  8. Ed...i started out with tons of those also and even marbles that look like vintage , antique american ones , dont give up , never give up , i didnt , even made friends here , pick out the ones you like , display them at your home and enjoy and keep on hunting for more , and believe me you will find the ones that match the description and will be indentified as americanmachinemade , handmade I added few pictures as example for you Most are asian import but a few hiding that matches those i am lookin for and that keeps me going
  9. I see new china and imperials and vacor so far , i quote him at Alicia's topic , show more pictures of these or others and maybe we can help......and show some respect Mr Ed....please
  10. In a jar...burried...cool...nice find πŸ‘Œ
  11. Join the club , welcome πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  12. Continue to display my finest findings so far Nice study material for my friends here Few are 100% american made , the rest is European Import , Enjoy the pictures Greets Joep aka Mojo Started instagram account Like to share and keep the Marble Collector spirit alive in the world Follow me ✌ mojomarblelicious on instagram
  13. Thnx Steph and Ric πŸ‘
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