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Everything posted by Guiltynotguilty81

  1. I’m not sure If this is the proper place to post this question, if not please direct me to where I should post. Very general question about where I could find information about marbles from India, or if anybody in this forum knows anything about marbles from India? asking because I have a friend who is in India and was asking me about my marble collecting and wanted to see what I knew about Indian marbles and If there’s any notable collectible Marbles vintage or otherwise. I tried doing a little bit of research and couldn’t find anything except for old Indian games so I thought I’d ask here see if anyone had any additional information. thank you so much!
  2. Here’s another one similar... looks more jabo to me. Ideas?
  3. Love this question! How I imagine myself as a marble 🥰
  4. Yes twisted rainbo just found this one too same lot. Thank you😊
  5. Stumped on these ones. Are the the same marble ? Maker? both 5/8 Thank you
  6. I see pelt but no clue what type of pelt it would be. Thoughts? approx 21/32
  7. I had a hard time taking pics of this one too, looks like a clown to me, but skin has orange peel characteristics . Possibly foreign? Pelt? Something else? thanks!
  8. I need to invest In marble stands / displays. I’m making some out of epoxy right now but finding the right set up is proving more difficult than anticipated. I need to take them out of the box! Too beautiful to keep covered up 🥰
  9. Soaked it a little longer and used a toothbrush and now she’s perfect! thank you! ❤️
  10. I got some nice swirls today, posting a few of them that I’m having a hard time identifying. I’m going heaton or ravens wood? approx 5/8 also, any idea how might I get that spot off of it (2nd photo)? There are a bunch in the lot I got in similar condition, I have washed them with warm water and soap but can’t get those tougher spots out. Any advice?
  11. Saw this post yesterday and then got this in the mail today! ❤️
  12. I’m Lauren. Preference is machine mades. I appreciate the time and process of handmade, but I am a machine-made girl. Also partial to peltiers. And christensens of course. But there’s elements of every company that I love. I LOVE marbles! I’m the only collector I know so it’s nice meeting other people like me ❤️
  13. This was hard to take pictures of with my phone, did the best I could. 5/8” Beautiful marble!! Thoughts on maker?
  14. Colors seem right but I’d love your opinion thank you
  15. It has looks like a vortex if you’re staring straight at it from a certain angle. It may have gotten messed up but it’s perfect to me thank you for the responses
  16. I’ve always thought this might be a furnace but I’m really not good at swirl IDs. I’ve had this one for a long time and is one of my most cherished marbles. Any ideas what I can call her?
  17. Peltier swirls seems appropriate given the research I have done. so if it’s not the machine that give peltier swirls their characteristics, what does? I think they are amazing, this one I just got yesterday and am very happy to have it in my collection
  18. I’m 95% sure it’s a peltier miller ...what type? Do these colors combos have a name? I did learn recently that there is technically no such thing as a “Miller” swirl, so does that mean it’s called a peltier swirl? thank you 🙏
  19. Thank you Ric 🙏 and trust me if I’m posting here I’ve watched at least 3 videos, been on 10 different sites, and have learned a lot but also confused myself further! I’ve been studying marbles for the better part of a decade but haven’t gone deep enough. I would LOVE to go to a show, is there an online resource with upcoming events you would recommend?
  20. Trying to ID swirls drives me nuts sometimes. If you have any good advice on ID tips, it would be very welcome! Both are 5/8. The first is my favorite (three pics of each mib)
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