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  1. I’d say CAC on the blue and red one!
  2. X3 and it’s one of the most valuable !
  3. Maybe he put the decimal point in the wrong place and it’s supposed to be $12.74! If you look at his “other items” it looks like stuff from an antique store. He is wrong on most IDs too high on prices. Oh well dream on!
  4. I would count both positive and negative flames. However, the main difference seems to be whether it is a CAC or not. Huge price difference and getting larger all the time. Check out the ones being shown now at a famous marble guys online auction! They are going for what a guinea was selling for just a few years ago!!
  5. I’ll go with bad! Some are getting too close to actual vintage marbles. Like IDing marbles wasn’t difficult enough anyway! I have several that are outstanding but future worth?? Also it seems like the glass is inferior and gets marked up easily. But like was said, what do you collect for? Get what you like. I have several guineas and flames but many Pelt Rainbos too!
  6. I’ll second cheese, Jabo or Das. Ya don’t see yellow except rarely in RWs. Plus the blue swirls don’t dive.
  7. Not seeing RW and the size would argue against too. Many WV swirl companies made trannys like this.
  8. Thanks! Although I was wrong about Pelt not making a 15/16” mib! Just very rare. I have seen MCRs that big but not NLRs! jon
  9. There are several sets of these by Jabo also on eBay and one large bunch too. jon
  10. These two are presently on eBay at 15/16”. That’s the first problem, the color and patterns seem off also and even though they both have a seam it just feels weird! What thinketh thou? Modern torch made? Did Jabo have a special run this size? Vacor? I am pretty sure Peltier didn’t. thanks jon
  11. All appear newer versions except maybe the top bee. Jon
  12. Of the vintage Marble King varieties! jon
  13. Fire likes whacky, so why not Ravenswood swirl? 😜 jon
  14. I picked this one up on a whim. Solid opaque black or dark green with what appears to be oxblood streaks. I’m thinking MFC oxblood slag?? It has st least one seam. Block states they are so dark they are often overlooked as game marbles. She measures 5/8” and low mint. Doesn’t look Pelt which it was sold as. thanks jon
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