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Jeff54 last won the day on December 19 2024

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  1. Thank you to my old marble friend! And to my son (Shawn), linked below, he's been busy helping me get stirred up again too, inventing shoes that help people AVOS Therapy l Acupressure Slides For Healthy Feet
  2. Here are some Christmas goodies! I am feeling a little better, today my son is helping me post for those who remember me as the president of Yahoo's Marble Collectors Club (not to brag, only for identification purposes). I am not completely better after my big stroke yet, but, I am working as hard as I can to get my left side better! I wanted to share some of my favorites in my collection in hopes these images will make you guys happy! I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas season with loved ones and good health!
  3. Hello, this is Shawn Hale, Jeff Hale's son. He wanted me to let you guys know that he had a 'big stroke' on Feb 26th, unfortunately Thankfully he is getting better now and will be back soon! He misses his friends here and can't wait to be back:)
  4. I would need to correct that ID as a purple glass ribbon lutz. It's a rare marble. Perhaps your Grandpaw needed you to remember it to stand above the others for that.
  5. You're in luck. However, at your current collector skill level this photo, over 20 years with lower pixel graphics is not good enough anymore to visualize) and comprehend) what details it has to know exactly why it's a 'Classic example. However, compared to that thing you've got, it's better than nothing, on the fly. I need to take better photos of this. I mean, even though I know what and why, I wouldn't buy it or any like it with this illustration. It is a dead wet Mint single seam (facing you at bottom left) Blue base 'Classic.
  6. I have 90 5/8" 2009 JABO JOKER ULTRA OXBLOOD MARBLES. they're just about the same as the Blood Vipers but the base is a bit smokey versus clear colorless. Some will have blue and or white in them. Some like a ribbon some not.
  7. Looks like something that Dave (DAS) made and that seller is a liar, and scam artist. BloodViperJokerII (biblefreak.org)
  8. 'While you're at it; are these two orange and transparent near a black base or?
  9. Yeah. I know that Orange and Green, I have one like it, the very same colors, with a whiptail but it's not Hand-gathered. I don't have a photo to show. Besides mine, I have not seen but a few, a very long time ago. Mine pretty much has the same orange lines and there is not a nine pattern rather, more like a striped opaque, and where it was cut off, it got a nice (about 1/4") hook-shaped whiptail slapped on it. For lack of a nine and or swirling pattern, it's mind-boggling as to how or why there's a tail. I have never understood CAC's ability to have a tail off a side of cut-off that is not a dribbling strand of stretched glass on the surface and not HG..
  10. I believe you are referring to the green and red with a virtually perfect nine pattern. It's a wet mint marble that defies identification as the green is mixed with clear, a bit of white, and quite reactive to ultraviolet light. Old, like late 90's Photoshopped collage to show the different glass that's mixed in. It matches the colors best. Below; I have attempted to capture a new and better shots, but have not been as successful as I was many years ago. It lights up! Red is too orange-like-and not dark as 1st photo is. Not exactly Oxblood either but close. I have never seen anything like it. Not CAC, Maybe Akro and Doubt MFC for the red, albeit Bob Block thinks it is an MFC, others lack experience or certainty. There's nothing else like it. (Refer to the 1st photo for its shade of red)
  11. That would be Roger (Browse4 antique) in Canada who'd found them there and tried to source them. . Around 20 years ago he said the marbles on this Solitaire set by Chad Valley were the only type that were the same construction that were not the same as the Japan Yasuda marbles, in boxes he had been collecting. . IDK yours looks much more balanced than those in this photo but, the color matches.
  12. "Blockchain" crypto trading system? that pulls out my red flags: warnings of a potential scam operation. In adition, I think there's no manufacturer by the name of King. Rather it's an English dude buying from China and Mexico with fairy-tale hype to induce over valued sales.
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