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chicagocyclist last won the day on August 16 2022

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About chicagocyclist

  • Birthday 06/30/1952

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    NW Chicago suburbs
  • Interests
    Cycling, Marbles, Gardening, Antiques - Deco and MCM, FOOD!, Photography, Birding

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  1. I would think Peltier Sunset.
  2. I would agree that's a grouping of Peltier Rainbos.
  3. Nice clearies. They look best in the sun, for sure. As kids, we love to run across them in a puddle of water in the roadside after a rain. Now there's a sight!
  4. Man I never remember Vitro Whities... You think it would be easy!
  5. It looks like an unusual Indian blanket to me either an unusual swirl little less detailed than normal. I understand that sometimes AV occurs because of an unusual mixture or chemical reaction and that may account for both the odds swirl and the AV that there was something going on different, maybe the end of a run or the beginning of a run. I know who I want to have an answer on this!
  6. Akro oxblood. A fav of mine and varied enough that you can have a nice little collection and enjoy each one for their beauty!
  7. I'd like to see that white area see if it's the clear whispy that we would need to see for Popeye. it's not looking that way in these photos.
  8. It's size and structure are sure unusual. I don't know Kokomo enough to vote.
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