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Everything posted by Jzoook6

  1. Thank you! I will look these up. I have a bazillion books on other types of glass, but not had a lot of luck tracking down a lot of marble books. Hoping to find some out in the wild honestly. So until then, you all are stuck with me.
  2. Whaaaat!! I was sort of thinking they had to be Vacor at that size. WOW. thank you!!! 🙌 Is it fair then to assume that a blue version is also likely Alley?
  3. Jzoook6


    WOWWWWWWW Blenko marbles would be AWESOME!!!!! I want to see a giant Blenko fish filled with Blenko marbles!! That is beyond exciting news though, thank you for sharing! You would think that it would be hard to compete as a small shop for industrial marble bids but thats something I know nothing about. Do they currently make glass for industrial purposes or just decorative/houseware things?
  4. 2 white and dark orange swirls. .99 Thoughts? Thanks in advance for any feedback
  5. Jzoook6


    Wow I did not realize how widely used Fenton's cullet was! Thats very interesting also about how there is little information about the Paden City Alleys. Has anyone been able to dig there? I think Wissmach and Paden City Glass were both in operation in 1920s but I can't find any info on the location of their factory. I do know that right before the company went under, they bought out the American Glass Company, which was apparently right next door. Is there any knowledge as to whether Marble King built a new factory when they moved to WV or could they have possibly bought an existing one? Also in regards to cullet being hard to come by after WW2, was that because of shortage of the gas needed to make the glass? Mindblowing information, thank you so much for sharing. oh heres a pic of the paden city glass factory. IMO some of their colors are just as exceptional as Cambridge's.
  6. Yes of course! but books are a lot harder to get a hold of. Which is your favorite/best? I have the ubiquitous Block one and some digital copies of Everett Grist's guides. I have been meaning to look up that Alley one you mentioned.
  7. oh yea totally different-- I had to read the listing to see if they had described it as white or blue because it was similarly hard to tell.
  8. Jzoook6


    Oh wow I would love to see one of those special white Fenton jabos someday. So were there other colors besides just the Burmese and the special white of Fenton's that could have been used in Marbles (by Jabo or anyone?). Also was anyone making marbles in Paden City before Marble King moved there? I have often wondered if any cullet from Paden City Glass ended up in any marbles, but I think they closed down before Marble King moved there.
  9. Here are some more seam pics-sorry they are shoddy its a tricky one to capture.
  10. oh interesting, so orange peel can happen to any quality of glass? thx for sharing
  11. Jzoook6


    WOW!!!! Fenton Burmese!!! I don't have any pieces of it, but know exactly what color you are talking about. Lots of ruffly vases right? That is beyond cool that you worked there. So in 1971 would you have been working with the Colonial colors? Did you make any carnival glass? Thank you for sharing!!! Here is some of my Fenton:
  12. Thank you for sharing that-I didn't even know large Akros were a "thing"! This marble was in the same bag-could it be an Akro too then? Ill take some more photos if you think its a possibility. I think its like 1.06"
  13. Jzoook6


    These have to be Jabo, no? They are a pretty purple--doesn't translate well to photograph, alas. Thoughts? Thanks in advance
  14. Is this any better? I'm pretty sure its blue.
  15. 🎉🎉🎉 Even tho it's quite large? Thank you!
  16. Thank you for looking into it! It really is quite mysterious. Do you think additional pics would help?
  17. Thanks! It must either be a very old or very new one because it does not feel like the other Imperials I have.
  18. Thanks! it feels more Akroish to me but that smoochie-looking patch
  19. Yellow base glass with yellow swirl. Awesome color combo IMO. My guess is either a nice old vitro or akro? .62 Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  20. At first I thought Imperial because of the size and plainess, but now IDK! Kinda reminded me of one of those Akros I posted over the weekend. 🤔 Vitro is another consideration I suppose. Guessing thats a blown out airbubble on the face? .96 Thoughts? Thanks in advance
  21. It has that kind of matte feel of a peltier rather than a slick jabo
  22. Rinse and repeat! It's fun discovering marbles that are already in my collection haha. And thank you!
  23. oh how handy/helpful, thank you for sharing. The Peltier slags seem pretty distinct too (or at least the blue ones). Are there any slag colors that some makers didnt use or is it pretty much a color free for all? I totally agree about the shade of green--a nice bright medium shade.
  24. Even if the base is bright blue? Thank you 🙏
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