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Everything posted by Jzoook6

  1. Very festive!! could it be a Vacor?
  2. Blue & PurpleBlack swirl. I had a hard time capturing any of the dark amethyst/garnet colored glass. Also maybe the swirls are actually white and the base glass gives it a blue hue? As for ID, I'm pretty sure its a WV? Maybe Cairo? Heaton? .59 Thoughts?
  3. Yes, your photos are so good 🙌🙌🙌 Thank you for sharing!!
  4. Blue/Brown .60 Jabo or Alley (or neither) Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  5. wow that green and purple!!!!! Thank you for sharing!! I am particularly fond of the plain purple ones. I don't think I have any as swirly as yours, alas.
  6. Hmm maybe I am thinking of Cairo? Heres the closest purple Heaton I could find from westvirginiamarbles.com:
  7. Ok thank you! so then for these patches I would guess: Akro, Vitro, Akro, Vitro?
  8. oh wow ok thx. I had the top one with my vitro tiger eyes because of the turquoise color and the green/yellow kind of has a top lateral band on the "backside" 🤷‍♀️ Maybe I should take some more pics?
  9. totally some buttcrackery going on. The other clues to me are the white knock marks and also that stacked VVVVVVV .
  10. and sizes as well? Are the heatons noticibly different than the Alleys in-hand? Like does/would one stick out in the group in the photo below? Or could there be some sleeper Heatons hiding in that pile? Thank you for your help!
  11. .61/.62. Initially I had sorted these into my Purple pile, so I was pretty surprised when that green glow peeped out the botttom when backlit on both of them. 2 Jabos? Thoughts? Thanks in advance
  12. All of them?!?! 🤯 I had semi ruled out Alley because I couldn't find any comparables with as opaque a base as any of mine.
  13. oooooo purple Champions. Will look up now- thank you!! Heres a pic of them in hand:
  14. All Heaton purples swirls? or maybe some Jabo? .56-62. The largest (4) seems to have a more opaque base when back lit. Thank you in advance for any feedback!
  15. Blue and White Swirl .61. Ravenswood? But is that a cutline? Thoughts? Thank you for looking.
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