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Everything posted by Jzoook6

  1. 2 Green and Amber Swirls .59/.61 Jabo and Jabo? Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  2. OOOO thank you! I can totally see all three of those IDs. Just in case this changes anything, heres a pic of them under UV light: (p.s. the middle one looks a little reactive in the photo but its just a reflection)
  3. oooo i think i might have one of these 3 ribbon Peltiers. What size is that one? I still think the original marble is a Jabo Thanks all for the help.
  4. oooo so that one would glow yellow green? Thank you for all your help!
  5. That makes sense now, thank you!
  6. 4 Champions? .59-.62 If not Champions, Vitro? Thanks in advance
  7. Silvery gray base with clear blue swirls. UV reactive base. 55 Jabo? Thoughts? Thanks in advance
  8. Here's side by side--they are both pretty glossy. Thanks for helping me with this!!!
  9. That might be a first! Thank you!!
  10. Akro Snake corkscrew? Regular cork? Just a swirl? .63 Thoughts? Sorry for the yucky photos-plz let me know if more are needed Thank you in advance
  11. ok agreed. I went to look at the ones I have and there's too wide of a range of different ones. Thanks for the feedback I appreciate it!!
  12. Ooo ok roger that on #1 being Ravenswood, thank you. As for #2, do you think this could be a clue?
  13. Ok thank you! The reason I thought it might be Alley instead was because I thought it had a little more "depth" than the tighter Heaton opaque swirls ive seen online
  14. LOL well you might want to see them first because I certainly don't think all are oxblood/Akro!
  15. Red, tan and cream swirl. .62 I feel like this might be an Alley, not a Ravenswood or Heaton. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  16. I feel like at least one has to be Alley? blueish green with debris flake(?): .61 medium green: .65 light green: .60 Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  17. There is something about the way that it feels that makes me think you might be correct. Thank you all!!
  18. Another mystery swirl .60. Weak guess: Ravenswood Thoughts? Thanks in advance
  19. Thanks all! I have maybe 6 or so more similiar ones. Anyone have an opinion as to whether I do separate posts or put them here?
  20. This one has a weird yellow swirly ghost sheen that makes the marble look more opaque in photos than it is in reality. .73. Bright Orange glow under UV. Thought? Thanks in advance!
  21. I can only locate one (the darker) at the moment and it only had tiny sliver of orange UV reaction in the bands.
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