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Everything posted by Jzoook6

  1. Hmmm. Not sure about this one either. It does not backlight. .62 Thoughts? Thanks for looking.
  2. OK I think the Yellow (.55) is an Alley? and the red guy (.58) ????? Vitro? Akro? Pelt? Thoughts? Thank you ❤️
  3. OH forrrreal? They are so glossy! Thank you!!
  4. Thank you!! I totally see the Pelt now.
  5. Yay thank you for the communication assistance!!! (if only you could come to work with me lol) RE: PeeWees...ME TOOOOOOOOO. What is the smallest Peewee that you have?
  6. I picked one of the Bees because I didnt have any and the store owner threw in the rest for free! oh well haha now I have 8. Thanks for the scan---no vacor/imperial? Here are what I think are two pelts in the middle row
  7. Cairo? Sorry for the barrage of posts and thanks to all of you--I appreciate you! ❤️
  8. Some have some red? Marble King? Thank you for looking
  9. No sorry I was asking you, I personally know nothing about it other than its cool and small. I do know that .44 is smaller than .50 tho.
  10. .57 (same as green from OG pic) and the baby is .44.
  11. Thank you! I think they may be my favorites so far. Sorry for the photo spam but I forgot to include this very important photo!
  12. yay more Jabos! I wondered if the glass looked too oily to be Peltier? Thank you for your help!
  13. Lol well its unusual to me (ultra beginner)! and I will be back with a glow report as soon as I can find some AAA batts.
  14. Than Hurray thank you!!! I got a few of them today I believe (tho I think some of these pictured may be Jabo)
  15. I like this unusual color combo. Alley? Thanks in advance.
  16. ended up having 7 more of the bluer in my bag from today:
  17. Hi all, Found a new marble source today (huge crate 5/$1) spent $20. Pic is 20/100. I tried to really be mindful of condition today 🤷‍♀️ Think its a mix for sure lol.
  18. Do you think it would be fair to assume then that this is also Akro? Minty? based patch. Got them both today.
  19. Thank you again! I felt the same about the blue being a possible Peltier--but I didn't even want to suggest it lol.
  20. aye! thank you!!!! That purple tho..wowzers!
  21. 2 handsome Vitros? Bluer: .61 Clearer: .59 Thank you ❤️
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