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Everything posted by Jzoook6

  1. Thank you for sharing that trickl!! I thought it looked like an eye. I can also now see the tunnel formation a little. Also, it has a bright shiny metallic flake(different from the Vitro space junk) 🤷‍♀️ extra flair
  2. Yellow/White/Orange/Tan? swirl. The yellow is a dull muted mustard. Champion or CAC? (or neither) .62. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  3. Thank you v much! I agree! 🌋 Thank you!
  4. The photos do not capture how pink the pink is--its like a cotton candy pink. Is the other color Amber? Both Master? Both are .61. Thank you in advance for any feedback
  5. The white on this is super white and the orange is, well, pretty orange! All I know is that I do not have another marble like this one. .64 What do you think? Thanks in advance!
  6. these are the ones that look closest to the original marble (thanks for taking a peep):
  7. WOW yea that cullet is awesome. Thank you for sharing those bag pics!!!--super helpful--those blues😍 I did not find many marbles this weekend, but I found a couple pretty ones (IMO). Here are the ones I've looked at so far:
  8. Thank you guys! It's a slag even if theres only white on the surface-none really swirled in? Honestly the photos make the white seem more substantial. its more of a ghost white when light isn't on it.
  9. Thanks all! This one's a keeper for sure! Here are some bonus pics if it helps confirm. Check out that booty flame! 🌋
  10. Last post I promise! Blue/Orange?/White Swirl Alley? Ravenswood? Jabo? Whatever it is, it is a very pretty one I think. .60 Thoughts? Thanks in advance and have a good evening.
  11. Transluscent red with brushy white swirls. Is there a third color? Orange? Thought it was a Master but the seams don't seem right? .61 Thanks in advance for any thoughts ❤️
  12. Yellow and Orange Swirl with some side mini flame action. Alley?....Ravenswood?....CAC?....🤷‍♀️ .61 Thank you in advance for any thoughts!
  13. and its minty fresh!!! thank you!!!
  14. Ok thank you!!! I didn't even notice the Turkey! I was looking more at the sharpness of the cutlines. Roger that on the bad glass--what about the rust stains? I was going to try a little barkeepers friend on it but maybe I will pick another one to experiment on haha. I have a handful of marbles that look like they must have been sitting in some water for a long time.
  15. Dark red/garnet with a white swirl. .59. One of the roughest marbles I have, condition-wise, but I'm curious if it is a CAC? It has some similar characteristics of a black and orange one I posted a few weeks ago. Is there a specific term for a marble with sick glass? I think i will try some sick glass remedies just to see if I might get it cleaned up a bit (can't make it any worse!) Thanks in advance for any feedback and have a nice Sunday!
  16. Hurray!! Thank you! They are pretty unusual looking to me--would it be fair to assume any similar looking ones (but different sizes) would also be Alley?
  17. Could it be a Peltier Peerless Patch? or a Acme Reeler?
  18. Nice deep mint opaque swirled with a medium bubbly apple green. Could it be an Alley? Or too patchy? .66 Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  19. Jzoook6

    Pee Wee

    Could it be a Peltier?
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