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Everything posted by Jzoook6

  1. Red/white/brown? I think this could also be a CAC? or Alley? Pipe dreams? .65 Thoughts? Thanks in advance. Sorry for the spam!
  2. ok thanks! I bet @Chad G. is right about Jabo, I am going to look for a comparable. 🎉
  3. OK thanks! TBH those are my favorite kind because it means I probably will keep it
  4. Thank you sir! It's so dang pretty though--maybe I have been looking at it for too long.
  5. I got this sweet little treat today for a few cents. I really tried to get good photos, but do not feel like I succeeded in that alas--maybe next year lol It feels kinda like that orange/white CAC I posted some time ago 🤔 .64 Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
  6. That was a thought I also had as soon as I clicked to post. The drama going on in pic 5 seems a little Jabo-ish to me for sure.
  7. I thought this was a Vacor but upon further inspection, I am not sure? Looks awfully purdy... .62 Thoughts? Thanks in advance
  8. Brown and yellow swirl .54. Never seen this colorway but I think its an Alley? Thanks in advance for any thoughts (and HNY)
  9. Has to be a Peltier????? Awesome colorway IMO. .59 Thanks in advance for any thoughts (and HNY!)
  10. OK Mr. Chad, I'm back, what about this one:
  11. Oh interesting thank you, so no stamps were used other than the one in 2001? Hmm maybe the purple vase is not Blenko then, as it does have a stamp (and it doesn't look like the shape of the 2001 one). I wonder what was used to mark pieces from 1921-1932, if anything.
  12. Even though its not super busy?
  13. The lateral red band has me struggling. Peltier or Vitro? .62 Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
  14. Red swirl with some white? .62 Champion? Thanks in advance for any thoughts!
  15. oh dang so more like an "ade" base, I see. Hmm. Thank you I will have to look again.
  16. got these scraggly looking beauts for $27 all described as damaged. I know that would be 27 too many dollars for some of you pros, but there are some pretty ones in there!
  17. None of these are muddy enough to be inkies, right?
  18. Yes I have really enjoyed looking through ALL of those catalogues haha. All those pieces were all acquired for less than $5 each, but if I ever were to purchase a serious Blenko piece (ideally one of the fish ) I would make sure to do a full inspection before purchasing. Thats great info about Blenko not grounding out the pontils, thank you for sharing. Would you say most of your pieces are stamped/signed/marked? My purple vase is the only piece I have with a mark I believe.
  19. OK here are some photos of a few pieces. Sorry for the lousy quality--i think something is up with my camera. I got the seafoam green coil vase today ($4). I am pretty confident that that piece is Blenko, but im less sure about the clear. The filthy clear beaut has a grounded/rounded out pontil mark. They are 6.5/7" tall. As for the vases, I think the tall purple and green pitcher are Blenko, but less sure about the mini pitchers. I have two of those big cobalt cabbage bowls, but those aren't very exciting. Thank you very much again!
  20. OK I will thank you so much!!! I unfortunately/fortunately do not have a ton of pieces. My biggest challenge I think is differentiating between the Blenko and Pilrim crackle glass (especially in the mini handled vase/pitchers). Also differentiating between the Blenko coiled neck pieces vs imitation versions. I will take some pics and post! Thanks again for taking a look!
  21. Thank you, Steph!!! If only I could track down some slag! Gotten super hard to find around here in the past year I'd say. Makes me super sorry for not picking more up over the years.
  22. I was on a backlighting spree and came across this gem--Has to also be a Ravenswood 😍
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