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Everything posted by Jzoook6

  1. Best guess would be Kokomo but I know other makers had bubbly bases like that as well. Thoughts? Thanks in advance
  2. Very unique shade o' green on this one. Thoughts? Thanks in advance, Marble Mavens!
  3. OH duh. Yes I agree thank you.
  4. My best guess is Master but I really don't know. Any thoughts would be appreciated, thank you!
  5. yea It looks like a large perfume atomizer thats been modified--the bottle part could be Czech Art Deco. 🌋
  6. Me too. Looks like the same robin's egg blue base as a Bloody Jade.
  7. Is it an Akro Blue Egg Yolk? awesome marble!!
  8. Thank you! I think I am drawn to the brown ones because they look like they could be dessert lol
  9. Happy Wednesday! Here are some delicious WV BROWNS (I think/hope they are WV--but please let me know otherwise of course).
  10. Nothing wrong with the link, the page is just gated by a login I don't have--no worries.
  11. Oh I thought Bue Jewels were a specific type of Rainbos. Must have misread, alas. I am unable to view that link but Ill take your word for it haha.
  12. Is this a Peltier Blue Jewel? Thank you in advance
  13. wow thats a very handsome marble! 🌋
  14. P.S. you throw away marbles? 😮😮😮
  15. awesome I will keep on the look out!
  16. wow where can I buy more of them for .10???? Also this is what I was thinking of 🤷‍♀️ marblecollecting.com
  17. Good to know, Ann, Thank you! I thought I had read somewhere that the phantom ones were less valuable than the regular conquerers.
  18. More like these guys? #1 looks slightly different to me than #2 and #3
  19. awesome thanks, do you think I am right about it being a phantom conqueror?
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