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Everything posted by Melissa

  1. Thanks. Perhaps it's just an ordinary rainbow.
  2. So, zero collection value in the majority, right? I want to keep some like the UV ones and ones that have special things going on in them as far as their pattern, but the rest can go, right? Nobody needs this many clearies and solid. lol
  3. It seems redder and more translucent than my other pumpkin.
  4. How do you know which clearies and solid colors to keep and which ones to toss/donate? I have way too many and need to purge.
  5. Melissa

    3 vitro?

    Sometimes I think I have a good handle on them, and then I’m proven wrong. 🤣
  6. Melissa

    3 vitro?

    The third one glows under uv.
  7. Melissa


    The last one glows under uv. Is the middle anything special or just a rainbow?
  8. More of the greens. These all came in the same lot and look the same to me.
  9. Does this help for ID on the yellow one?
  10. I just stumbled across a lot of these and I’m so confused with these types that look a lot like all red but could be marble king. Is there a trick to telling the difference?
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