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Everything posted by Melissa

  1. This came in the same lot but pretty beat up. Red bee?
  2. How do you organize your marbles? Can I see pics? Here is the system I have right now. After I get everything sorted I might display my nicer ones eventually. do you keep your cats eyes separate in their own category? I want to put my marble king cats in with the rest but I kind of like having them separate. Thoughts??
  3. Oh, my bad then. I thought 9s were exclusive to only one company. So what are these then?
  4. Thank you. A little tough but not terrible.
  5. Very weak. Like hardly anything.
  6. That one doesn’t glow. These are the only two that glow.
  7. Thank you. I looked with a loop and there is some sparkle but barely. Just in one very small crevice.
  8. Thank you. They are lovely.
  9. No nines, so it has to be Akro? Only one seam
  10. Great idea. I got into gardening in my mid thirties as well. I love blending natives in with other perennials like daylily and peony. I don't think most people truly appreciate the beauty of our native flowers. I have about 4 spots in my yard with milkweed and I love watching for the monarch caterpillars in the summer.
  11. Today I’m spending more money on eBay. 🥴
  12. I love soul asylum. I am from Minnesota where pirner is from and got to meet him a couple times.
  13. Just curious if you think this is actual marble king. Thank you. https://www.ebay.com/itm/115432025747?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Vi0AA40ZS2y&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=1Ql8UwewTJC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
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