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Everything posted by Melissa

  1. I need a nice brick like that! My two are so beat up. This one is nice!
  2. I just don’t get why people come here and ask if they really don’t care.
  3. I should I have said that I bumped this old post to see if mine were vitro. This post is from last year fyi.
  4. I had these with my vacor but after seeing these pictures I’m wondering if they are vitro?
  5. I do have a stash of jabo classics in my collection. I’m keeping them because they were my first love and what turned me on to marbles to begin with.
  6. @Ric didn’t mean to embarrass you and I apologize for that. Not my intent.
  7. I appreciate so much the knowledge of all the marble veterans like yourself. It’s such an honor to learn from you, truly.
  8. I really appreciate you sharing this information @Ric. I know a lot of the swirls I ask for ID I have no interest in but I just like to learn what they are so I can be as brilliant as you are someday, maybe, hopefully. Knowledge is important to me.
  9. Sorry I was too busy playing with my clearies to realize this thread was hijacked.
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