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Everything posted by Kimbernugs

  1. I think this vendor is who I was trying to purchase from. But I'll look into it more just in case. Thanks!
  2. Yeah, I couldn't find anything like this one, so figured it was just a cool little patch job. Thanks!
  3. I got these in a set off Amazon and just fell in love with them. You have to buy the whole pack of mibs and only get 2 or 3 of these, so I contacted the company to see if I could buy 200 or 300 of just this type, and the cost was insane. One pole of the orange in the middle marble glows like crazy with UV light. It almost could be used a light source in and of itself. I've never seen it so strong. Anyway, I'd love to get my hands on a ton of these. If anyone has any hookups, please let me know.
  4. The colors are pretty true to real, except the blue bits are a bit darker blue than what is shown. But the orange is very orange.
  5. Does this coloration have any name? Orange, green and blue on white.
  6. It does sorta look like those. Marble identification can be so very perplexing. Thanks for all the assistance!
  7. No, I'm the lucky one. I love what I do and I feel truly blessed to work in such a loving environment.
  8. I don't know that I've ever heard of a mushroom marble. Maker?
  9. I work in a support role in healthcare and see patients every day battling some pretty serious stuff. I get to know many of these fine folks because I see them for daily radiation treatments for weeks or even months. A little bit ago, I put up a little sign that says "I collect old marbles". I struggled with that because I didn't want to come across as tacky, but as our primary patient population grew up during those prime early American machine-mades that I like to collect, I took a chance. The response has been wonderful. While I have received a few simple corkscrews and Pelt baseballs here and there, most people love to regale me with their tales from when they were kids and used to play various marble games. Others tell me they have a stash of mibs somewhere in the house, and they'll try to find them for me. Of course, I get all jittery inside with anticipation of someone bringing in an old milk jug full of CAC flames. Can you imagine? But I digress. Most folks bring in newer marbles that they just found especially pretty. They know I pass out marbles to patients going through treatments and having an especially hard time. I give them a big tin full and they get to pick out their very own "lucky marble" to keep in their pocket or purse while going though chemo or radiation. The patients love it. I have patients who come in months after they've finished treatment and show me they still carry the marble with them daily. How cool is that? So when those patients bring me pretty marbles, they are excited to add them to the tin knowing it just might make someone smile and feel like people care about them. People helping people. And with marbles! This morning a patient brought me this gift of marbles and a book to go along with it. I just think it's wonderful how kind people can be. The past few years have been especially trying, and adding in a bit of sunshine makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And all from one, little glass ball.
  10. I'm having a heck of a time getting my camera to focus on the mib and not the background. I'm just perplexed as to why this keeps happening. The top 2 pics are backlit and the base does glow slightly under UV light. The base has a partial white veneer and the rest is sorta opalescent with some striations in it as well. I'd love to know exactly what this is!
  11. WOW! Those Millers are awesome! The color of that one at the bottom of that last photo looks like mine. Plus, the mibs were in with a bunch of older ones so it makes sense it might be Pelt. So I'm gonna put them with my Pelts. Thank you!
  12. I'm smelling what you're cooking.
  13. Very interesting! Thanks for sharing that!
  14. I think so, too. That #3 pic def gives off that helmet vibe. The size kinda threw me.
  15. I just got a new light box thingee from Amazon delivered today that will hopefully help my photography. Fingers crossed on that. I tried to show the missing seam the best I could. There is a part on the red where it just cuts off, but other stripe has a definite greenish hue to it and it seems to sink down into the mib vs just ending on top. The base is a dark, translucent amber. In addition to the reddish and greenish colors, it also looks like there is a black swirl that you can see terminates in the vortex. But it just may be the deeper amber because some of the base is quite dark. I dunno. It's a conundrum.
  16. Could this be Akro? 3/4" White, stringy base like a Popeye, but parts look like translucent milky white. But I get a Vitro feel, but I ALWAYS get a Vitro feel.
  17. I always forget the size. just a hair over 5/8
  18. I'm hoping it's a funky pelt swirl, but I'm wondering if it's not a vacor or something similar. Any help?
  19. I hate it when people don't flush in public toilets. What is wrong with people?
  20. I've attended a show in Fort Worth before, but I can only find the one in Round Rock posted. Anyone know if they will have one in FTW this year?
  21. And 2 bees are better than not 2 bees. Heh.
  22. Alas, no aventurine. I did check it right off the bat.
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