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Everything posted by Kimbernugs

  1. 5/ths. Just not sure on this one.
  2. All Vitro slightly over 3/4 with butt cracks all out and proud
  3. My teeniest peewee. An MK measuring only 9/32nds. Pictured next to a baby cat just 3/8ths for comparison.
  4. Oh no! I wish only killers for everyone!
  5. Well I'm glad they went to a good home. I'm gonna just be over here eating worms. Alone. In the dark. In the rain.
  6. OMG... did you snipe that auction from me???? LOL. I should have known... 😜
  7. Man, I'm rocking some peewees lately! So cool!
  8. Hmmm. Makes sense to me!
  9. 9/16ths. Just not sure on this one.
  10. 1st is 9/16ths & 2nd is 15/32. I'm thinking Akro on both for similar patch construction. Blue transparent base loaded with bubbles. 2nd one has cloudy opaque base.
  11. Might be a lame question, but did they do this on purpose? Are there other Jabos out there made with little trinkets in them? I think it's awesome!
  12. I'm keeping it with my Akros for now. It would be cool to have a bonafide peewee corks.
  13. I want it to be Akro. This will be one I can take to a show for ID help. Sometimes you just have to see it in hand. Thanks for the help!
  14. 9/16ths. The green is so cool. Starts sharp then fades.
  15. I was trying to zoom in and then cropped it. I'll try again.
  16. I just found this one in my pile of questionable mibs and didn't even notice until now how cool it is. It's 5/8 and has the most beautiful blue,purple green and pink ribbons that look to lazily cork around the white, opaque base and the whole thing is covered in glittery, gold sparkles. If I had to guess, I'd think Jabo, but ?? It's so pretty and I'm bummed I can't capture the colors better. I'd love to know what this is.
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