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Everything posted by Kimbernugs

  1. Did you just acquire this? OMG!
  2. Gorgeous! Do any of the veins go to the surface? Looks like a beauty of a hybrid to me!
  3. Thanks! Reminds me of a nudibranch. Funky slugs of the sea.
  4. Haha! Now I'm gonna have this song stuck in my head for the next few days!
  5. This literally had me laughing out loud. Sounds like there was never a dull moment with this one!
  6. My baby, Coulee, absconded with my favorite Tri-Lite and it took me 3 days to find it. But how could I carry any resentment in my heart for this adorable thief?
  7. Cool. I love oddballs, funky errors and inclusions. Thanks for the help!
  8. I thought so, but when I looked up bullet mold it came up with these pics that didn't look like mine at all. They maybe were misidentified or something?
  9. 7/8ths. Looks like a multi-color banana, or vanes that just globbed together. Is that what's going on here or is this done on purpose?
  10. I was just checking out the Joe Marbles section and found some that have that same ethereal look to them in the Jackson and Cairo sections. I'm sure there are other makers with that similar style, but it might be worth checking out if you haven't already. I think they are hella cool.
  11. Chemically induced? Is that why it's weak? I just haven't seen too many Vitros w/ AV, but it's not like I've even scratched the surface with all their variety.
  12. I think it's one of those Murdaugh boys...
  13. 9/16ths. I am thinking Vitro, but possibly Jabo? It's a teeny bit sparkly, but not much. There's a dark line in there too that's peaking my interest.
  14. I'm no expert on swirls by any stretch of the imagination, so not 100% if these are all WV types, but I think they are. Please forgive any misidentification.
  15. Yeah, I agree. Vitro seems to have endless variations on everything they did. Watching the vids on YouTube by Stephen Bahr have been very enlightening.
  16. I ordered a small thing of resin and hardener plus the spherical molds. Its cool cause the biggest one is 1" and they step down from there. They come with some little trinket things to make Keychains or whatever. There will definitely be a flat spot, but that's OK. Its not huge. I'm pondering on ways to suspend the marbles in the middle of the mold. I should have all the supplies by this weekend, so hopefully next week I'll have something to post. Wish me luck!
  17. What are those 2 brown based with the green ribbons? I don't think I've ever seen that color combo before.
  18. There's bigger ones floating out there? I. Must. Find. Them.
  19. While I do agree it's pretty unique, is this a type of patch or ? Does anyone have any ID or should I just file it under Vitro?
  20. 1/2" Little cutie. Is this an MK or Vitro? Any help appreciated.
  21. Oh cool... thank you guys!
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