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Everything posted by Kimbernugs

  1. Is this a type of Tiger Eye or a patch or a special type of Vitro? I am having trouble figuring it out. Clear base. 9/16ths
  2. I thought this was a Vitro Tiger Eye, but I don't see that any of the types 1-4 have this color structure. It appears to be on a clear base, but the white is really white on the bottom, the top pole is a super light gray and the blue and aqua are more vivid than the pics show. 1/2"
  3. I just found another in my batch of Conqs - this one in blue. 9/16ths. The matte isn't as prevalent as in the first one, but it's matte fo sho.
  4. The one I'm talking about is the first marble on the 2nd row on the left
  5. Kinda looks like he's trying to force that lady into the car. She must not be a Rambler fan.
  6. Is that a Neon Conqueror up there on the left?
  7. Me too! But then again, I like them all. 😍
  8. I had to put on my readers and yes, it's a hair over at 17/32nds
  9. I just saw someone listing it as a HTF matte finish, but you know how that goes.
  10. Foreign, huh? I never would have thunk it. Here are a few more pics. Size is 1/2"
  11. Look like a little of both to me. Some Vitro, but not great ones. Just enough color in the lot to make it interesting, IMHO.
  12. Is there a reason this Conqueror looks like it was sandblasted? Was it made that way or do you think this is just a result of surface wear? All my others are shiny glass except this one, which looks all frosty.
  13. That surface color reflection will certainly get you sometimes. I thought that myself. Thank you!
  14. I looked under bright light and it appears to be a bubble, best I can tell.
  15. Did Vitro ever make Tiger Eyes on an opal base? It was hard to capture it, but it looks like the base is opal on this one.
  16. We sometimes get tornadoes here and I always want to keep my marbles in something or some things I can grab and go. Cats in cat carriers, marbles in the car and strapped with my .38 special in case of looters trying to take my marbles. I've rehearsed it many times.
  17. Here are a few more views of that 3rd marble. 9/16ths
  18. Thank you. I just figured it was an opalescent and left it at that, but then saw this thread.
  19. I'm wondering if this could be a moonie or flintie or whatever else. It's hard to get a good lighted pic because my light is so bright, but when held in front of a softer light it definitely glows more orange. There is a bubble or something inside of it that is catching the color in one of the pics. 1/2"
  20. I love having to opportunity to learn from others who give freely of their time and knowledge. It's like a living book with access to the author. The open conversations about differences of opinion are good spirited and everyone is just trying to do their best at helping you identify your marbles. We're all in it together, and that's something special.
  21. What'd you call me? LOL
  22. Or a helmet that is missing a stripe
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