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Everything posted by Kimbernugs

  1. There's something going on with the seams on this mib. Do you think it's a Pelt Rainbo gone wrong? 0.64"
  2. I never considered anything other than Vitro, but MK might explain why I couldn't find this pattern in any of the Vitro ID guides. Makes sense. Had I not been so focused on Vitro, I could have saved a bunch of time by looking at other makers. Thanks!
  3. I should have anticipated that question - LOL! It is a teeny bit over. My digital calipers says 0.55"
  4. 1/2". The only one I have like this. Has 2 black poles with blue equatorial ribbon. It's an anemic blue, but it shows its on an opaque white base. I can't find what type it is.
  5. More specifically a black line all red.
  6. Sure looks Vitro to me! NICE!
  7. OMG - yes! I think I may have more in with my Vitros. But my OP looks like a Wales no doubt. Gracias!
  8. I'm gonna need to look up what a Wales marble is. After I posted this, I found a Conqueror that had similar features leading me to think malformed Conq. But the yellow just looks off from other Vitros I've seen. Thanks for the help!
  9. Just shy of 9/16ths. Clear base. Possible Victory error?
  10. I can totally see why! You gotta love the Vitro curve balls!
  11. After reading your points on why Tiger Eye Type 3 I can see it, but just could not figure it out before. Thank you so much!
  12. Not sure because of the wild pattern, but would this be a Conquerer? 9/16ths
  13. Wow. Very interesting stuff indeed. Thanks for posting those!
  14. Yes - he's the one w/ the nickname that made it in somehow. Not sure if it's his nickname or if it belongs to someone else, but I'm sure it made more than a few folks laugh!
  15. That's the "bird" to which I was referring. LOL
  16. Here's my caliper with inches ar the bottom and my cheat sheet to convert to whatever it is on a 32nds scale.
  17. If you use that caliper, there's the button at the top that will switch it between inches and metric. You'll want to use the inches. The little M at the bottom on yours tells you it's in millimeters now. I use a old fashioned caliper and report measurements on a 32nds scale, as most folks seem to use that. Those give you the 1/2", 5/8ths, 3/4" and all the in-betweens. I'll take a pic and show you what I use.
  18. Whatever it is, it's pretty. Very cool looking marble!
  19. A nickname appears to have made it's way into the pic. :0)
  20. Did he play for the Tigers or the Birds? Cause he's sporting one of 'em.
  21. I have another question about the matte vs shiny marbles. I posted the one on the right earlier asking what type it was as the bottom white made it fall outside of the tiger eye ID chart I have, but we know Vitro likes to throw in curve balls all the time, so there's that. I have found another marble which sports the same colors, except it doesn't have white at the bottom pole. The colors in both marbles are virtually the same. Both are 1/2", both are on a clear base. The difference is the first one (on the left) is shiny and the 2nd one on the right has a definite matte finish. This just seems to be done on purpose at the time of production. Either way, I'm thinking Tiger Eyes on both just due to the construction of the shiny one. What say you experts?
  22. I have no idea what that is, so I'll defer to the experts on that one.
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