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Everything posted by Kimbernugs

  1. Looks like 3 color cork to me, unless I'm missing something. Do you count white as a color?
  2. Dude - you take excellent pics! Doesn't hurt you have awesome subjects to photograph.
  3. Yes! Thank you for reminding me about that.
  4. Yeah, wishful thinking. These classic Jabos are giving me a run for my money trying to figure out if they need to go with my Vitros or not. Thanks for the help!
  5. I was hoping I had found a Blue Devil, but this is a Jabo, isn't it? 9/16ths
  6. Thanks! I'll pass along the info. I'm gonna tell him to get ready to do his own research on these because that's not a project I want to take on. I'll stick to my machine-mades!
  7. A friend asked me to ask about some of the marbles he's had since he was a kid. I know nothing about Bennington types and am hoping to get a short-cut answer from y'all rather than do a bunch of research on my own. He gave me just a few examples of what he has to see if there are any values in them before he decides if he wants to try and sell them or not. I only took one pic of the one with the stripes on it as it's the only view that shows any markings.
  8. I'm a huge fan of the tiny marbles. Love me some peewees. And THIS one is awesome. Lucky dog!
  9. What a great video and touching tribute to an absolute treasure. Thank you Stephen Bahr. Your videos never disappoint.
  10. Well they look delicious!
  11. That 6th pic reminds me of ribbon candy. I want a giant jar full of those!
  12. That is one heck of a fish!
  13. I tried using a small digital camera I bought just for taking marble pics, but my computer died so I have no way of uploading the pics. So I've been using my cell phone and I cannot get it to focus to save my dang life! I bought one of those cube set up things for photographing objects, but the reflections are insane. I've taped up multiple layers of "diffusing" materials to try and eliminate the glare, but nothing seems to work. I wish I could take pics like y'all.
  14. I'm missing something here. Is that a special something?
  15. Ooooooh! Before your post I had never even heard of Pixie Dust marbles. You have some cool stuff!
  16. A little late to the party, but #1, these are cool marbles! And #2, it looks like the AV in the top mibs is green and not blue (to me).
  17. Here is a link to a great Vitro ID guide and should help with your question. There's a whole section on Buttermilks, Aquamilks and Aquamarines: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/mibzandmore/vitro-agate-id-guide-t35.html
  18. Hello everyone! I was checking out a Vitro lot for sale and spotted what I believe is a Pelt of some sort. There are limited pics and views but I've circled it. Also another one is circled in 1 pic that is the only good view of it, which I'm wondering if it might be Jabo? Thanks for your help!
  19. I can't thank you enough, Jeff, for this most interesting and detailed info. Talk about having the inside scoop! This sort of provenance will someday be lost if not for archives of forums like this and folks like you who share it. Names, pics, dates, just everything changed how I feel about this marble. This is the beauty of this forum and the reference I made before about how it's like a living book with access to the authors. What a special thing we have and folks like you who take the time to impart this precious knowledge for all of us in the marble collecting community.
  20. Oh wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to post this. I was having a hard time finding this design and now I know exactly what it is and when it was made. You rock!
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