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Everything posted by Kimbernugs

  1. Oxblood, huh? It's just so black that I never considered that. Well, it looks black to me. But it's not a huge deal since the damage is so extensive it's not going up for sale. I may try to encase in resin just for fun. Thanks Art & Ric!!
  2. This marble has quite a bit of damage, so I smeared it with Vaseline to help show the features. The dark lines are pretty sharp and distinct. They look black to me, but not metallic. Size is .67" Any ID help is appreciated. I have no earthly idea on this one. All I know is it is not modern. 1970 or older. I can't wait to hear what y'all think!
  3. Thanks everyone! That "twist and fold" sure threw a wrench in the works!
  4. Assuming this is Akro. It's 5/8" on the dot. Is this color combo HTF?
  5. Not sure what this is at all. Just over 5/8". Any help appreciated!
  6. Just over 5/8" The pattern just looks a bit wild for Pelt, but that's all I can come up with. What say the experts?
  7. Someone traded me for a HUGE Seahorse. My beautiful monster shown next to a regular-sized marble. This thing could put a hurt on someone!
  8. Superhero patch I got in an assorted net. I've not seen any of these before, so I was super stoked!
  9. Thanks for all the info, guys. The owner is going to sell this and her other items thru an auction group, so it's no longer available here.
  10. I know someone wanting to sell this and she's not sure how to go about it. I told her I'd ask y'all if eBay or some other venue would be best. Or if anyone is interested in making an offer PM me. I'll pass it on. Thanks!
  11. I've been trying to ID this little guy but I need professional help. Just under 5/8". Opaque base. No AV. Newer MK?
  12. I thought that as well, but didn't want to get my hopes up that I've found my 8th Akro peewee.
  13. 1/2" Hoping it's Akro, but it's gonna be Jabo, isn't it? LOL
  14. Ron's description. He posted a bunch of them as well. My yellow and red ones have some pattern liberties, but I think those 2 funky ones still count.
  15. You like them? REALLY? LOL. You like all marbles and you know it! ROFLMAO. But thanks! And yes, that's what they are called.
  16. A few Vitro Anti Blackies I picked up recently.
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