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Everything posted by Kimbernugs

  1. That almost looks creepy for some reason, but super awesome at the same time.
  2. Took a chance on an auction as the pics weren't great and got a ton of yellow jackets and yellow jacket hybrids. Some other good ones as well. Very stoked.
  3. Dude... are you reading my mind? I have been looking at ordering something similar and working it into a resin project. Like over a clearie or something. AWESOME!
  4. I don't know for sure, but Vacor has been putting out some bright ones like yours. And if you look closely, some sport the same Master-like gather/seam at one end. You can sorta see it on the green one at 3 o'clock. And I agree, they look delicious!
  5. The yellow and white one looks like some sort of WV swirl that just ended up with a corkscrew like swirl.
  6. Thanks for the plug Rick! I've been experimenting and subsurface hits, fractures, etc. still show despite the resin as its just really a clear coat. Some folks own vacuum chambers and that can get the resin all up in those nooks and crannies, but I have a pretty rudimentary set up so that handmade is probably not gonna be a tremendous success. But I'm gonna sure give it a shot and let's see what happens! I just received my final shaping and polishing supplies today and am excited to finish up the first batch Fire sent.
  7. I don't have them in shooters, just player size.
  8. Def Vacor. I have quite a few. Just got a ton Sat in net bags from Hobby Lobby.
  9. It's something to note that this marble was in the lot of all those Vitros I posted earlier. When I was going thru them, this one stood out to me. I also got a Japanese vibe but the orange fat vanes look Vitro. It is just a conundrum. But I do agree it is unusual and a keeper. The base glass is clear and I think the blueish hue was from background stuff. Thanks for your input! I appreciate you all!!
  10. I came across this cat's eye 9/16" and it looks funky to me in that it's a "partial hybrid". It has 2 yellow V-shaped vanes and 4 orange vanes, and only the orange exhibit hybrid colors. The 2 yellow V shaped vanes are just yellow. It seems like the cat's eyes I've seen are either all vanes in on the hybrid action, or none of them are. This is almost like 2 different types of cat's eyes combined. Is this something any of you have seen before? Thanks for your help!
  11. I'd like it in the original state. Love me some oddballs!
  12. Thank you. I just didn't want to take advantage of their gift since they know nothing about marbles. I told them if there was anything of real value in there I'd let them know. So I appreciate your help.
  13. I know almost nothing about hand-mades. Can anyone provide me with any info on this little guy? 5/8" This was in the group of marbles someone gave me and I'd like to know if anyone can tell me a round-about value. I mean, if it's a $100 marble, I need to let the folks know so they can decide if they want it back or sell it to me. Thanks so much y'all for your help!!!
  14. The shooters that had me drooling...
  15. I thought that perhaps putting them all together might help with IDs. Someone gave me their father's marbles "from when he was a kid". We've all heard that before as that should somehow prove their age, but we know that's not always the case. However, there were no new marbles in the lot that I could tell and all seemed to be from the 60's maybe 70's because it was mostly Vitro fat cats and hybrid cats. There were some Pelts and a German hand-made, but that's pretty much it. So I feel reasonably assured that these were not from the 80's or newer. I've taken new pics, added one other blue based with white and see if we can come up with a consensus of type/age. Thanks in advance for all your help! I also am including a pic of the horde of Vitros these came with. Most of them are in great shape, but alas, that poor Yellow Jacket Shooter is toast. Broke my heart!
  16. You had me laughing out loud with your request. I should know by now to backlight these types of mibs!
  17. At least I think these are MK. Not sure. All 0.55" to 0.57". Any information on these much appreciated.
  18. Do you think this could be what I think it is? 0.56"
  19. I'm pretty sure these are MKs. Around .65" or so. Is there a specific name for these. Any idea of age or if they might be HTF?
  20. That looks like a Cosmic Rainbow- and a huge one at that!
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