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Everything posted by Kimbernugs

  1. Thanks. You know I love it. It's like the blue just couldn't contain itself and bulged out.
  2. If there's an extra 1/2 ribbon of color, in this case blue, is it still a Yellow Jacket or hybrid or just a cool Tri-Lite?
  3. Growing my Yellow Jacket collection. Not sure why I love them so much, but I sure do!
  4. All 7/8ths or dang close to it. Jabo?
  5. A few new-to-me Vitros gifted from a fellow board member.
  6. I've been wanting to try to coat damaged marbles in clear resin and did 2 so far with decent results, but I didn't have any other damaged marbles. Fire1981 was nice enough to send a few my way to see what I could do. Below are the "before" pics of Groups 1 and 2. I'm gonna get started this weekend and over time post the results. Wish me luck cause these are some awesome mibs!
  7. The guy got a bit miffed when I told him these were "newer" marbles and insisted he had them as a kid. He is in his late 70's, so... I thought I had seen some similar listed as Vitros so I thought, well, maybe? But when he handed me a bag of all mint, they did not bare the battle scars of his other marbles, which were legit Akro corks, etc. That right there should have been the biggest clue for me. I allowed myself to feel intimidated when I'M THE ONE WHO COLLECTS MARBLES. I should not be such a pushover. But I didn't want to offend, so no harm no foul as he donated them to the patient marble basket.
  8. They totally do to me as well. But when I suggested they were newer, he said absolutely not. So I thought either he forgot that he bought them or something else. So I appreciate the info.
  9. I would have passed these off as Imperials but this guy had them as a kid and hasn't purchased any marbles since that time. Very credible. Are they Vitro and is there any value in them? I have a whole bunch of them now. About 70+ and about 9/16ths Thanks!
  10. These Vacors are getting trickier by the day. Thanks guys!
  11. 9/16ths Looks like Master in some ways. There is a bit of a clear base showing in one area. But Vacor is a viable option as well. Any help appreciated.
  12. Received these beautiful Vacors and a cool Jabo amongst others in a lot I purchased sight unseen. Took a chance and got a few cool ones!
  13. OMG... yes!! Knowing they're Vacor isn't so surprising as they've churned out some real beauties. You're the best, Art!
  14. Do you think they could be Champion? Or that one on the left? I'm so obsessed with knowing what they are.
  15. No, I did not. However, I came across 1 or 2 similar to that one and both were ID'd as Vitro.
  16. Heck yeah, they do! But I'm thinking Jabo.
  17. Gorgeous. I'd say foreign sparkler types for 1 and 2 and 3rd one being a beach ball variety. My$0.02 for what it's worth.
  18. A few of my Jabo favs I have on me today.
  19. Thanks for that info, Steph!
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