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Everything posted by Kimbernugs

  1. I'm wondering if it was an early Victory and was just some pink short of a Blue Devil type.
  2. I'm assuming the first 2 clear-based are Victories, but what about the blue-based with the white patch? I don't have my calipers today, so I'm guessing the blue based is close to 5/8 and the Victories are a bit smaller.
  3. I don't know why this is confusing to me. I thought MK all red or rainbow, but the construction is making me think Vitro Tri-Lite or ? It really reacts tto UV. Glass feels Vitro.
  4. You're right! Thanks for the correction. Learning every day!
  5. You are the best kind of person. I really appreciate your input and openness to discussing difference of opinion. Thank you!
  6. I figure that's about what to expect on the more common stuff. But the few I have that are a bit nicer I'm hoping will make it worthwhile. We'll see! I'd just rather focus on my Vitro Tri-Lites and I'll be happy.
  7. I won't set asking prices. I'll let the market dictate and hope for the best and that the fees don't make it a waste of time.
  8. That's why I'm getting ready to put these up for sale.
  9. I got it? I won? It's a major award!
  10. It's like there wants to be a little sparkle of AV, but just the tiniest scant amount. Not sure if that will help w/ ID
  11. Definitely not just you. Lots of "common" rainbos out there with asking prices off the charts.
  12. My new Parrot with 6 V's on it. It may be a reach, but they are there! Yellow Orange White Orange again Purple Blue 17/32nds
  13. Someone gave me a bunch of Vitros in mint condition. Most are Conquerers and Tiger Eyes, but there are a few I circled that are opals and one with some green ribbons I'll post for ID. A few Pelt Rainbos snuck in. The 2 green cats are AV. Not bad for free!
  14. Kimbernugs


    Just a smidgen over 1/2"
  15. I remember playing marbles in elementary school at recess in the 70's. I wasn't particularly good and we played for keeps, so I vowed to practice and practice until I was the best! I never did and I lost them all. All Cats, I'm sure.
  16. This orange cork is 5/8ths and a real beauty.
  17. These Vitros are keeping me running down rabbit trails seeking info. Not complaining. I love it! Thanks for your help!!
  18. I've been looking around a bit more and think this might be considered a fancy Conqueror. I'd like to see what Vitro gurus think. :0)
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