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Everything posted by CharlieT

  1. I have one marble that is similar that I still haven't 100% identified. It's actually my cover image. The white base glass doesn't match any of our others.
  2. The first one reminded me a lot of this Akro.
  3. Good lookin wvs!
  4. Peltier blue surfer/lagoon.... is my guess maybe.
  5. 1 inch... pretty big. Not sure, but wild lookin. Cool mib.
  6. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 coins are soooo funny! Marbles are even funnier??? 🤣🤣🤣👍
  7. I've got a large cent. No half cent or 2 cent yet. I do have a half dime
  8. Real busy pattern like a champion.... but idk. Weve got a handful of those exact same ones. And some tan and white ones also. Lovem!
  9. That's a great MK rainbow!
  10. 1852 3 cent silver. There so tiny.
  11. Big $ right there....hundreds! Nice one!
  12. Definitely Peltier colors for sure! Sweet patch marble...
  13. I know it's not Friday, but here's our 2 newest Akros. Gotta love the snakes
  14. My guess is MFC.... because of the bottom middle pic. Jmo
  15. Reminds me of an Alley oxblood swirl. I could certainly be wrong about that....
  16. Some of our coins. There's nothing there to call the press about or anything. But like marbles, there a lot of fun.
  17. I'm starting to know jabos better myself. It was kinda tricky at first. But it just takes time. The ole butt crack gives them away a lot of the time.
  18. After further investigation, I would say that it's a Kokomo. Just my opinion.
  19. I don't know.... but beautiful anyway!
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