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Everything posted by davesnothere

  1. Here's one I have the color is similar a bit dark it almost an opaque base
  2. I'm thinking ravenswood because of the base color and the blue tracer but that's all I got šŸ¤” Thanks ...
  3. Alan that's a great explanation and I've never knew that's how drizzle cam about. Thanks
  4. I swear I'm color blind when it comes to oxblood but I see one sweet marble šŸ‘
  5. Can you add a pic or two without the uv.
  6. Bit over 5/8 pretty busy for akro are my thoughts. Is it slag is my question as well .
  7. The pink is very nice can't say I've seen one before. That clear one is interesting .
  8. Glass quality and construction looks Yasuda .
  9. Best way to learn is what you are doing and read the seams and outline tutorials they help.
  10. Nothing like Yasudas. The AA has a nicer finish the Yasudas also look like wrinkled fingers. 2 look a likes if you can see the seam in the Yasuda it's tough to photograph
  11. Thanks I'll have to see if I can match colors up.
  12. It's slight tan looking at it in the sun hope the color is better in these.
  13. Just a bit over 1/2 too busy for a good seam I can't find it anyway šŸ˜€ Thanks for any help.
  14. No they're opaque, sorry I should have added that. First is a ghost
  15. The left I'm certain is a alley ghost. 9/16 and 5/8. I'm unsure of I have lots of the ghosts but only a few with this color on the other 3. Thanks
  16. Awesome thanks back in with alleys it goes.
  17. 5/8 the strong orange makes this stand.out from my alleys thinking ravenswood maybe
  18. davesnothere


    I have the matching pelt to this marble mines a bit cleaner.
  19. Cutline in second pic?? Asian feel here.
  20. Antique furniture with claw feet used the larger bullet molds that size os probably for a small table
  21. Lmao I did a wth are those. Super balls are kinda cool.
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