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Everything posted by davesnothere

  1. I've been putting these together for a while. 5/8 some cadium glow in the red. I'm not 100% but they match some early bags I've seen online. I've seen these in different collections from American agates to marble king. Looking forward to thoughts.
  2. This may be of interest. Canadian bag 60s is my guess Green tinted clearies notice the picture on the.label has a cateye.
  3. most of mine are in bins much like you have. then i have a 3 tier cake stand glass for display and a baseball case for my top shelf mibs.. and and and more flower frogs abound and loose ones everywhere ..
  4. Well if you guys think its a vacor then im stumped. Story here! This lot had been in a 1900s -1915 flour sack that was stained from the mibs indents . i had to toss it too far gone As Found im an antique dealer hound this is what i do for fun . Now im curious. so i did look under a loupe this Mib has been wet for a while and developed some iridescent qualities from mineral stains .. Im sticking with my euro mystery. Its not logical for it to a single vacor in hundreds on German Lats and clay Glazed
  5. just the color and shitty cold rolls
  6. Looks like gold and copper to me. 5k german lot from the turn of the century and theres one Modern thats just weird.
  7. A few pulls I bought from Germany a few lined crocks , a ballot box , and some fancy's and the standard blue browns. Im sure to get flamed 🔥 but ill add these as German. Ive read that salt glazed mibs were machine made and imported not made here.
  8. 1.23" Came in a large lot of German Mades . The only opaque in the group. Ive seen a Euro shooter similar to this but i cant find it now . Not even sure if this is hand gathered or machine. The Gold and peach 😎
  9. I have a couple like this I thought they might be german Cats . heres two on my desk
  10. just a few from my last grab I have so many i dont keep them out long . I love the yellow and white . i think the boulder is MK
  11. I love the micas the red ones are so hard to find they all look great on the solitary boards too ..
  12. nice selection of lined and glazed mibs . the clambroths OH wow! i want them all lol..
  13. Oh you are breaking my heart ..
  14. Nice Alley I have a blood sky that would pair up with nicely.
  15. im having trouble seeing the touch marks everyone refers to. Is there a way someone could show me.
  16. Nice!! Thanks for sharing. Ps I have never turned a Mib Yet LOL.
  17. That sucks you now what they say if its too good to be true 😄. On a side note I stopped buying off ebay international returns is a nightmare for me. Theres is a lot more scammers and so forth since covid i never use it anymore closed my 10 year account.
  18. love it i just sold that archie lp this year. you from Ontario Canada? Or California . im guessing Hammertown.
  19. Got myself a baseball display case to show of my gems . I collect antiques so the earlier the Mib the better for me. the two at the back are 2" for idea of size . feel free to show me your big ole ones 😁
  20. nice set indeed ! I need a yellow one think ya could spare one 😁
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