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Everything posted by AvvaRae

  1. πŸ€”Got a pocket marble you carry everywhere? Show us below! βœ…Bonus points if it's a photo of it in your hand!!!!!
  2. I played..... Basketball Softball & Field Hockey
  3. Love it!!!! The lake is sweet!!! Enjoy 😊
  4. I wish I could find an exact example under that name ..(I saw something on Joe marbles but not exactly this gonna look deeper online ty for your input
  5. Bonus photo lol (top part of the bottle the clear marble sitting at the base there)
  6. Very cool thank you tommy 😊
  7. It definitely has the seams I wish you could it in person.. it's strange but fun
  8. Curious what these are called ...
  9. It's a very interesting marble especially the view.. . Big bubble Any help in identifying is appreciated
  10. That's helpful for sure .. thank you @I'llhavethat1 I'd have to get a jewelers loop to check the ones I saw out lol . But sounds fun!!!! Thank you again for your explanation and help it's very much appreciated
  11. My children & I love Asian Cuisine... we often go to our local market to get fresh seafood ... Anywho she got a drink (we like to try something different every time we go) that way we know yay or nay for next time. So she goes look mom a drink and a marble all in one 🀣... (Like cracker jacks) their drinks have Clearies in them to drop flavor and mix etc... She wanted me to smash the glass for her "prize" at the end... πŸ˜† ... I think I've created marble junkies πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯Έ πŸ˜‚
  12. That's fair.... as a new collector it's so hard to tell hey is this a great deal or wow they are ripping you off .. especially with Germans it's harder for me to gauge value... But I totally get that I have a few damaged id never get rid of because of rarity but they are American made so i can "value them.." if that makes sense... Anywho I appreciate the response... I'll just use my wallet gauge to decide if it's worth it lol πŸ˜†...
  13. Welcome Definitely post on our marble ID section that will help tons with the handmade markings hehe
  14. Cheese how do you tell Cairo? Or what would be Cairo identifier ? Out of curiosity πŸ€”πŸ˜œ
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