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Everything posted by AvvaRae

  1. That was actually the first thing I looked up (they have a tracker) and there was no visible activity last night where I am located... Now tonight closer to 9/5 midnight there will be... (Would the tracker be that off?)
  2. πŸ₯°What an awesome thing to do with your son!!!! Looks like a fun collection already. If you don't have a BlackLight Flashlight πŸ”¦ I would snag one (as I've learned it add such an extra layer of fun/intrigue to collecting) WELCOME 😊 & we have a great section for getting help with identification 😁 on your marbles (Calipers also help for measuring)
  3. Not sure how "crazy" I'm going to make myself seem butttttt.... πŸ˜‚ last night the kids and I were watching a movie outside .... and my guides said look up... πŸ›ΈπŸ›ΈπŸ›ΈI looked up and what appeared to be stars ✨... But as I gazed I realized they were all moving at an insane speed... I kept watching & I saw this circular light pattern they moved into (formation) open up something it's really hard to describe and they all disappeared one by one through this "hole" πŸ₯ΈThere was no broadband noise... No disturbance at all.. the lights were too close to be a plane, no blinking etc 🫨you wouldn't have even known unless you were looking up. So of course I said to my husband & daughter directly next to me omg look do you see that ... They all saw the same thing I did... I tried to capture it on my phone but I couldn't pick up literally anything... I have zero zoom power Anywho just curious if anyone else on here has seen something like this ✨✨✨
  4. So fun!!!! And πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ₯Έ Before we had a projector we would put our big TV right at the window and blow up a bed and lay/watch hehe ... Technology is sometimes fun (I wish we had a drive in close) we did back in Maryland which was always a blast
  5. Outdoor movie night for the winning view for our day today hehe
  6. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈIf you had to name a marble only by: Your Initials Favorite Color And "Most Liked Animal" or Favorite Band Name What would your marble name be??? My Marble Name would be.... AR Green Panther. πŸ–€πŸ’šπŸ’› I imagine it with a Black Glass Opaque Base "German Swirl" (style) with Green and Gold Lutz W/ White Lines & tight banding πŸ™ƒ Share yours below πŸ‘‡β¬‡οΈπŸ‘‡πŸ˜Ž
  7. This is my 2-4 am every day haha (my cats constantly find marbles to play with) I sleep light so it's insta awake lol
  8. That is such a sick case !!! You have an awesome display and variety!!!! That one sulphide looks huge
  9. Yes I'd have to concur hehe... Thank you 😊 and it was definitely a blast. They had a lot of fun
  10. So my family went to the Renaissance festival and I found this glassworks place... So fun!!! Such good conversation about glass and recreation/glass work. I found some of their end of day glass and glow in the dark pieces because who isn't 39 going on 5 lol oh well and a cute photo of my kiddos hehe Yes I have 5 🫨πŸ₯° 😎πŸ₯ΈπŸ«¨
  11. Very pretty Steph!!! I love the sound of waves crashing on shore..
  12. I just looooveeee Colorado!!! Like absolutely love it.
  13. Beautiful!!!!! What a peaceful looking spot
  14. Show us your view πŸ˜πŸ™ƒ
  15. In my wildest dreams 🀀🀀🀀🀀
  16. They are very different in my eyes lol but I could see how you could think that (they are both slags)
  17. A definite great place with incredible people and a wealth of knowledge... Thank you!!! You are valued just as much ☺️
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