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Everything posted by AvvaRae

  1. Great video, had to pause to make dinner but so far awesome information 😁 thanks for sharing (it didn't pop up in my YouTube so I wouldn't have known hehe)
  2. I saw this is AAM and thought this was an awesome thread to possibly start here ...😎😊 The poster has it listed as "First person posts ONE marble photo. The next poster chooses one color from that photo - and posts a marble of their chosen color. The next poster can choose any of the colors in the second poster's photo - and post a photo with their chosen color. And so on." (Avoid shots with multiple marbles)
  3. They are not made in china So I messaged the seller, he told me he has been working with an artist in India for 13 years this is where they come from ... Just to update
  4. AvvaRae


    Thank you so much for the extra information this makes it make a lot of sense as far as coloring and th uniqueness and extremely interesting that they used Cambridge glass. I really appreciate the share 😁
  5. AvvaRae


    You are always so helpful @akroorka thank you for this... And your helpfulness 🥰 it's much appreciated
  6. I know flames are currently determined by 5 tips (edited per chads comment below) .. I'm sure others will comment and be able to better identify what they see either or way super cool marbles 🙃
  7. AvvaRae


    How do you tell a CAC? What would be th main visuals that help you guys identify. (Or is it size/color/ then pattern?) TIA
  8. Tuna Avocado Salad with a Balsamic Glaze
  9. This was fun marble mail that came in today (not my photos the seller's) awesome transaction 🤗 and Im just obsessed with this marble ... My inner child says it's so purrrtttyy lol 😆
  10. That's actually a great idea!!!! Thank you for sharing. I think I will do this with my littles 😁🤗
  11. She's a sweet little thing, I was sort of worried about her cutting herself but she wore my garden gloves and had a blast hehe... I'd like to collect broken ones and make a mosaic out of them for like a small table or something
  12. I've seen a few beautiful ones.. I wonder how they did it that separation is awesome
  13. Yes that's the eBay seller (they have them listed as bootlegger glass unsigned) not sure who or where th artist is.. the pieces are very cool either way
  14. Better photos of the in hand with sizing and seems showing Just to confirm Jabo (Sorry it took so long to get sizing, and I appreciate everyone's help very much, I realize I post a lot in this group 😌)
  15. 10mm to 10.5mm for size ref Thanks for the help in identifying champion everyone just wanted to update sizing since I found my calipers I tried a grey background and it helps thanks to advice of others
  16. 9.5,10.5 & 11 mm I've found three different sizes
  17. Wow that's awesome looking!!! I love the blue against the red
  18. These are insane wow ... Thank you for sharing 😊 ps you are so good at taking photos... Totally love these both!!!!
  19. I had a bunch of broken marbles from a lot I bought and my little girl decided to make what she called the "Marble Brick Road" 🥰 Idk about everyone else but having little ones to like marbles as much as I do has been amazing!!!! It's like having built in marble buddies to hang with 🤓🙃😊 I figured I'd share her "art" with everyone
  20. What a great photo.. this marble is incredible 😍 too
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