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Everything posted by AvvaRae

  1. I secretly sing really well I have moved 16x in 12 years I can't play video games
  2. I have social anxiety I speak 4 languages I have 8 tattoos pieces
  3. My husband played professional baseball My dad owns a construction company I have 7 cats
  4. Yum!!!!!! I looooveeee Chilies!!! I used it in a lot myself especially my empanadas hehe
  5. These Glow under Blacklight... Also have an orangeish glow in sunlight. They seem to have MK seams but they are an odd color 🤔 Or one I haven't seen yet labeled under MK Semi opaque with translucent spots
  6. My Grandfather was the illegitimate Son of Lucky Luciano I have 6 birth marks I am a Medium/Seer
  7. Nose broken 5 times is the lie? 🤔
  8. That left one looks like a flame ... But that is awesome!!! I so wanna find an old dump site near me and go digging hehe
  9. I didn't realize there was one 😂 I don't get on much on the weekend ... Now I'm gonna look .. and you're probably right.. the light probably has enhanced the color... What a fun German... ☺️
  10. Totally not my photo, I saw it on Pinterest when I was looking at Marbles... I have never seen a color like this 🫨 I just love the depth and vibrancy of this color!🤔 (Anyone know the maker based off what we can see for seams?) ✨anyone else have some cool unique or fun slags they wanna share?
  11. It's very cool!!! I totally dig it. 😁 & Thank you ✨
  12. Wow @Ric what is this exactly? The colors are phenomenal
  13. Who wants to Play A Game: 👇Post below 2️⃣ truths about yourself & 1️⃣ lie (in whatever order you want) We will try to guess the lie 😜
  14. I'm still trying to figure out this Joseph's Coat Vs Onion Skin thing but for my lack of knowledge... Let's call it an Onion 🧅 & the onions that doesn't make my eyes water 😂
  15. AvvaRae


    The only other weird thing would be why the odd formation at the end ? Like all moving into a circle (with different flashing lights and completely disappear?) 🤔... I've seen starlink before in another state... But it was horizontal not so uniformed (spacing)... I think that's what throws me off is the odditiy at the end
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