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Everything posted by GoodLutzifer

  1. Yes. That seems logical. It’s light and the grainy surface held no dirt or damage. Looks cool and curious anyway. Thank you.
  2. I say collector because that’s what you are in essence until it’s sold. lol. A bank vault of sorts. Thanks for looking
  3. Unglazed crockery swirl? Under illumination at 30x it shows to be a rough grainy surface with Gold flakes and possibly some mica, (may just be the flashlight glare looking silver-white) but definitely lots of gold. I’m fairly good at eyeballing gold as a coin collector. I wish I could photograph the view I see under 30x. She sparkles without the slightest bit of tarnish. It looks like black sand loaded with flower gold. German? Modern? I’m puzzled obviously..Rolls out roughly .61-.62”
  4. I don’t get on here much because of time restrictions and I don’t want to wear out my welcome and bombard the topic. Thanks for looking. Certain members give freely of their time and experience here. Special thanks to those few.
  5. I’d agree the dark one is sort of a flame cross. The ice blue is sliced up nice though. Call it fine flames I suppose. Names help define but it’s all about eye appeal. A no-name ten dollar marble can be just as pretty as an expensive one. Enjoy the pics
  6. Alley Pennsboro on both?. Flaming butterfly if you want to imagine it. Some patterns look like birds etc. so why not a butterfly. A similar calligraphy just sold on BLOCKS for a surprising $425. The ice blue has fine cuts hard to photograph and looks better in hand. If I was a collector I’d keep them. But to me they are just melted sand. There are millions of pretty marbles to admire. They belong in collections. I don’t get attached to material objects.
  7. The black and white pictures were to emphasize the thought that Aventurine was not evenly mixed into the black. The flake exposes black that is void of Av. It’s mainly present near the surface only.
  8. Thank you! I always thought buffed meant with a machine, or “shined by abrasion” I agree they are ppp after I studied last night. Seemingly with blue galaxy colors minus AV. The classic Pelt feathering in the black is nice but void of sparkle. It’s a nice little run of 5 similar mibs from a decent collection.
  9. Only one of the 5 has that swirl. The rest look like ppp but they clearly have two seams..there were no Jabo in the collection those came from. Just accept that cuz the story is long. lol. Thanks
  10. I had considered that they may be ppp with galaxy colors? 2 seams are evident. And a galaxy is supposed to be a Rainbo. Didn’t want to post a ton of pics. But I can show seams if it helps. If not galaxy colors then what is it? Cub Scout colors? Some have that slight purplish tint in the blue. And when I look at verified galaxies I see much variation in the amount of AV. Thanks.
  11. All 5 show minor play. Mint minus. It seems perhaps when aventurine is added the concentration varies. Here is a pic of a ppp with common green AV. Note at the deep flake how the AV is concentrated near the surface but below it a few thousands of an inch is void of it. I have a few Wigers with just minuscule amounts in the abundant black. Granted there is very little black in these. So very little to see that would contain AV. Not trying to have an argument. I’m still learning and just curious about the mixed nature of AV. It’s possible some glass remains unmixed thoroughly when AV is added. Just speculating. Thank you for taking the time to respond.
  12. 25 views and only one opinion. Must be many people remain silent rather than speculate. I am far from an expert. Looking silently to learn is what I usually do here. I welcome all opinions. Don’t be shy. Thank you.
  13. Thank you. It is opaque. And I see no clear in any of the 5. There seems to be a small seam of transparent blue in one but no clear glass.
  14. Not certain I can see any aventurine under 10x. My eyes are not good anymore. Colors seem spot on. They have Rainbo features.. hard not to be hopeful. Pictured are 2 out of 5 that appear to be same run.
  15. Those are killer Cheese… eye candy..
  16. GoodLutzifer


    I throw a guess. Cairo. I’m new but the purple glass shade, and swirl pattern seem similar to me. It’s a nice mib that adds a cool color into a display.
  17. Thanks for posting the great reference shots.
  18. Cheese, when you add small details some people may find it tiresome. But for an newbie the small details are important tips. Thank you.
  19. Thank you Cheese. It’s easy to forget what you hear in a video. When someone takes the time to correct me, I appreciate it. The idea here is to learn. I want to store correct information in my head.
  20. Ok. I stand corrected. I must have confused the information. But it’s an Alley as the sages say.
  21. I’ll stick my neck out. Root beer float was a rare one day run. If it has a continuous ribbon my guess is a champion.
  22. In effort to build my post count I agree. In my limited knowledge, I can only say it doesn’t look like a CAC. I’m leaning ravenswood, due to swirl pattern.
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