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Caterpillar last won the day on February 11 2024

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  1. Obviously, this isn't my listing, nor do I have any affiliation with the seller. I'm also unqualified to accurately assess the value. It's said to be a 1920s Akro Agate... https://www.ebay.com/itm/256425317224 But I sure am tempted. I'm hoping one of y'all will buy it and remove that temptation.
  2. I can't help with the IDs, but Steph put together a topic with photo tips. The only thing I can suggest right off the bat is a less textured and lighter gray background. I'm still trying to figure out how to get my stoopid phone camera to reliably and consistently focus. Sometimes I'll delete ten bad photos immediately after getting one good one.
  3. Thanks for the input, Joe. Unfortunately, my marble order was canceled, so that idea has been shifted to the back burner for now.
  4. I finally made a purchase of some new marbles! I'm giving some thought to getting them on video, despite having essentially closed my YouTube channel late last year (due to concerns about content theft). The video(s) would show me opening up a net or two of Vacor, sorting 'em out, and presenting the marbles according to size. I could give commentary while doing this or insert some of the hokey music in my video editing software. So, what do y'all think? Should I try a video or two, with commentary and/or music? Or should I just leave the Vacor videos to Stephen Bahr?
  5. I would agree with Jabo. Sure is a sweet mib!
  6. Two more stunners! I wish we had some sunshine in my neck of the woods...
  7. It wasn't just me, then. The decimal point is two places too far to the right for me to want to bid...
  8. Is it just me, or does that marble look really rough?
  9. That's exactly what I'd do. I'd like to think my requests would be reasonable enough. Thanks for the link to your store!
  10. Good to hear. I may go for some of them. Yes. That's 100% clear.
  11. Some of these offerings really caught my eye: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_ssn=drewscoins&store_name=drewscoins&_oac=1&_sop=1 However, I do have my trepidations. The prices (as of this post) are rather...low. I have no idea how to evaluate them. Has anyone had any experience buying handmades from this particular seller?
  12. Unique would definitely be a driving factor for me. Will have to see if I can find your Etsy store!
  13. You did. And while I can't be of any help with an ID for the Glowy, it sure is spiffy!
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