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Everything posted by goingmarbles

  1. Found some myself today saved from a going out of business fish store tanks!!! I know but had to have them... Here are a few of them.
  2. Thanks for letting me know what some of them are. I have many many more. Are any of them worth anything? Also the one that is so blue you can't see thru it where and when was it made and by whom? It's the last picture there.
  3. I also have a marble I can't see thru at all it's so dark is this normal? Here is a picture of all the marbles that are my favorite ones and that is only by looks. The last picture I took is of the marble I can't see any lite thru at all. Thanks to anyone the takes the time to reply to these.
  4. So I'm new to this but was wondering how to identify my marbles and how to price them to see if they are worth anything? I have some that I haven't seen before but like I said I'm a newbie so that could mean nothing. Also this last image is I think a Bennington? You can see where it set while being kelned and it's a very rich blue.
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