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Everything posted by ScottH

  1. Cool beans! I was praying they wasn’t Jabo. 😃🙌
  2. ScottH


    1/2”. Thanks!
  3. The beginnings of my Akros 😎
  4. Yeah that looks real similar Steph. Really cool looking in the sunlight. Had me laughing about your phone there 😆 Thank you!
  5. That marble started the addiction. The missus got it for 50 cents at a church sale. 🤠🙏
  6. 5/8” it looks to be. Using a ruler so I may not be dead on.
  7. That bag is awesome. Thanks for confirming. I think I may have bought someone’s collection. They must’ve really liked Vitros.
  8. 5/8” Kinda strong root beer here. I’ll just start with these ones for now and see where we get
  9. A lighter version of the first two. Kinda ginger ale color. No dirty edges on the swirling that I can tell. 9/16”
  10. The two honey colored brothers. The white swirling has dirty edges more on one than the other. 9/16”
  11. The whole bunch. Don’t know if they’re the same manufacturer but they have a similar style I suppose. If any stand out let me know.
  12. I’ll post the whole lot of them tomorrow when I got some good light. They were all not the same size. Thank you 👍
  13. Man that’s awesome. Thank you 😎 Which ones do you reckon are most in the Lilac Zone?
  14. Thank you. Yeah don’t Vacor have that orange peel kinda surface? That’s what it looks like to me. Not sure if I heard that about Vacor or another company?
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