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Everything posted by shiroaiko

  1. I got the meaning! Thank you😃
  2. Yes. I would be happy to do this. What does "Marble on!!" means?
  3. I appreciate the article. How I wish if the writer had provided a description to the marbles! Glass marbles are generally beautiful...maybe compared to other cheap toys. Also imports from a country of weak currency floods to a country of strong currency is no wonder. Opposite does not happen. That is why old marbles are domestic in my country. 1907 in Japanese time is Meiji 40, the time glass marbles are said to become popular among children nationwide. The marbles from Meiji are lampworked ones with snap-cut pontils. These are poorly made clearies, which are distant from perfect roundness. You can see grooves around a pontil. Also bright colors like red or yellow were not used for the first marbles. Makers like Tokujiro Oi and Wakamatsu Yoneda (Komeda?) are the first exporters. The first record of glass marble export that I could find is Taisho4 (1915) of Tokujiro's via a Kobe agent called su-re-man (Sleiman? Suremann?). Tokujiro's was a pioneering maker for glass bangles, mercury beads, seed beads, gold beads and artificial pearls. So-called Chinese-style transitionals are the snap pontil type, highly-likely Japanese export from Taisho - early Showa era.
  4. I'm learning something from here too. I read the Winnie's 2015 post of Santa Claus box and finally understood that my Yasuda factory research started from the information she left in this forum. It is always good to know the source of information. I didn't have much time for Steph's Japanese Transitionals yesterday. My reading takes much time...I hope I can read it through in a few days.
  5. The box set is great and the purple transitional! I saw mushroom type marbles in similar puzzle boxes. Chiyogami paper in mame-shibori pattern is used. Do they have crease pontils?
  6. Hello akroorka🐬! I was wondering what to be the first! My city Yamagata has a monthly flea market at Suwa shrine. This is my latest find. Lots of Seike Stripeys including shooters.
  7. I'm curious. If the article embarrasses people here, maybe you can show only the marble picture? Does it mean our poorly made marbles reach to the US that early?
  8. Thank you for the information again, Steph! I am closely looking at the enlarged picture right now. The white looking marbles could be German porcelain marbles with petals and circles. Then I see something like half & half and figure8s... The 1929 date sounds like a bit too early for Japanese machinemades. The first automatic gob feeding system in my country was thought to be started by Naoyuki Seike. The patent (Showa6-2564) was applied in Aug 1930. Yet Seike could have been the first marble maker who exported glass marbles to western countries. Glass marble makers before Seike exported marbles, but they were heading to neighboring countries. In 1937 magazine, Seike explained how his marble business started; his factory started in Taisho13 (1924) and his first marbles were exported to America and Australia, although they were in small number.
  9. I've been through the thread and learned the trademark information was what Brian had posted at AAM. Yasuda had been one of the big glass bangle makers whose main consumer was India. It says the trademark was registered for glass bangles and other glass products. We do not know for sure whether Yasuda made transitionals as early as 1929.
  10. Thank you so much, Steph! That would be the very thread I wanted to read! I will go and read from now!
  11. Thank you Chad! I had a search result a bit too many, and I was overwhelmed...I started to read from the latest post of YasudaCollector! "Stephs Study Hall" sounds fun! Does it have a section of Japanese transitionals?
  12. Hello I'm a marble collector from Japan. Yesterday I learned from YasudaCollector that this forum got some information on the Yasuda's Santa Claus box. What he told me was new to me...a box with a date of 1929 ... and I wanted to read the original article/s by myself. One factory registry says Yasuda's marble factory in Shiba started in Showa 8 (1933), so 1929 sounds a bit earlier. I also wanted to look at closeup photos of Yasuda's pinch pontils.
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