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Posts posted by mibcapper

  1. This is a nice recap on the marbles and as I said in the separate thread right next to this those shown in American Machine-Made Marbles (2006) are in Patry's collection. They would be hard to confuse with Vacor's confetti style marbles. But Lewis Moore's confetti marbles were more easilt confused with the Vacor confetti marbles.

    When I finally get up and running I will put up photographs of the various 1980s/early 90s Vacor confetti types. David

    RUNNING ... :Emoticon-jawdrop: ... :icon_popcorn: ... bill

  2. johnives2Cpatflanagan.jpg

    John Ives and Pat Flanagan (flanco)


    Junior Ice and wife


    Kurt von Kliest - cabinet maker Weldon and I bought a cherrywood cabinet that holds nearly 4,000 marbles from him. It is hand made and gorgeous. Don't have it yet. A friend in West Virginia is storing it until we can get back to WV with our suburban. It won't fit in a car. This was our most expensive purchase. Kurt does great work.


    This is Kurt standing by a wall hanging cabinet he made. i think he sold some of this style too.


    Marble boxes by Kurt von Kliest Kurt and wife live in Pennsylvania


    Nola Morgan is in the background. She is a Tribute.

    Unknown dealer to me and Bill Foppiano Bill has never let me forget that I sent Weldon down to look at some akro he had for sale at the Sistersville show some 5 or so years back. Weldon came back with silver dollars. When I asked where the marbles were, he said here and showed me the silver dollars again. I had to go back and pick out marbles.


    Pat and Patty Flanagan


    In the background are Howard Powell, president of the WVMCC and Elizabeth Farrar

    Seated is Walt McKee and the customer is long time JABO collector Anthony Patterson.

    Howard and Elizabeth are Tributes.


    Julia Powell and a few of her marbles Junior Ice and wife on Julia's left

    Julia and Howard Powell are Tributes. Howard hasn't missed one of our runs and Julia only one because she was working at Fenton.


    Ruby Sellers, secretary of WVMCC Ruby is a Tribute.


    Dale Simmons and Steve Sturtz showing the marble named for Dale.


    Steve Pletcher (Duffy) Steve is also a Tribute


    Steve Sturtz, Elizabeth Farrar Danny Grocki and a man I don't know

    Danny Grocki is a Tribute.


    Steve Sturtz and Elizabeth Farrar selling Steve's latest JABO book



    Sturtz and Patty Flanagan Steve is holding the awards that we gave out later in the show


    this man had the largest Charles Gibson snakeskin I've ever seen. I'm sorry I don't know his name.


    Another dealer i don't know. Duffy and Paula think this guys name may be Dave McMahan.


    My favorite dealer at the show He's from Texas

    During the show the Tribute group presented some awards. I have no pictures of the people receiving them because i was busy helping to pass them out. In hind sight, I wish someone else had passed them out so I could have capture the appreciative looks on the faces of the honorees.

    We gave out recognition awards and a marble to each person with a marble named for them that attended the show.


    Persons who received their named marble and certificate were asked to post a pic of their certificate and marble on this post. I've waited a long time to post so don't know if anyone will.

    I approached Steve Sturtz about doing a special box of named marbles for people who had been a great help to our group. he liked the idea. David McCullough gave us the wooden collector boxes to contain the marbles and I adapted the boxes to hold a lot of marbles. A week before the show, the project became bigger than I had planned. Steve added to my list of people. I had to make more boxes -paper ones and they held a lot more marbles. We talked about Steve and myself giving the marbles to fill the boxes and that's what happened. However, we had a mixup about who was bringing what and had to ask duffy for a marble or two and some of our Tribute friends helped with another marble that had turned out to be quite rare. In fact, the HOD marble is so rare that Howard didn't have enough to give his family and friends one of his special marbles. I had Howard pick a second marble to be named Hod and I dubbed it "Hod too"


    This is the box that Dave McCullough let us use.


    Inside the lid of the box is a collage of many of our Tribute members and an explanation of the reason for the gift.


    The marbles in the box Each marble in this box is named for someone. The last marble is "Dale". Dale was holding his marble in an earlier pic. The two large yellow marbles are fillers. Everyone got some filler marbles to be replaced by a named marble as that event occurs. On the last row, the fifth marble over - that's Patry's Palette. it's very hard to find, very rare. I hope the folks who got a filler in that spot can find one for their box.

    These boxes were presented to Dale Simmons, Ronnie Ewers, Richard McKnight, Sammy Hogue, Elizabeth Farrar, and Gary Langley.


    this is the larger special named marble box lid


    Inside lid


    The marbles inside the paper special named marbles box. The last two rows are fillers except for the first two marbles on the next to last row.

    These boxes were presented to Howard and Julia Powell, Steve Pletcher, David McCullough, Bruce Burkhart, Bill McCaleb, Ron Shepherd, Ruby and Frank Sellers, David Allen Griffie, Bob Byard, Steve Sturtz, and Edna and Weldon Eaton.

    Thanks for looking. Edna

    .. couple more ...



  3. I'm suspecting that anyone with a grain of objectivity will quite evidently see how the thread has progressed from exuberantly upbeat to negativity. Is this really what we're aiming for on the Marble Boards? David Chamberlain

    i think sometimes david, the boards are the only place where " somebody" can run the mouth and , basically, get away with it. they inject suspicion .. falsley accuse ... obvious personal bias ... SOMEBODY will always listen on the boards. they don't have that option where they sit down to eat .. so .. do it here .. :Cartoon_177: .. bill



  4. a few years ago on the road ... thoughts came to us about a rumbling inside ....


    some mine for diamonds,

    some pan for gold,

    but there's a well-kept secret

    seldom told

    about a youthful reflection

    in a grownups dreams

    of digging for marbles

    in a west virgina stream

    the excitement, the passion,

    the thrill and the joy

    of finding a " pocket marble "

    meant as a toy

    bm .. ks ..........


  5. and the little ones also say .. thanks for the nice comments. and hopefully, one more time of enjoying the best of marbling to me ... the people and places ... :Happy_457: .... bill


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