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Posts posted by mibcapper

  1. o.k. ... well, would the term slag fit with the base

    being clear .. opaque .. and, as mike said, transparent ??

    and, on the slag glass .. with the quanity of slags made, there would have to be 1 heck of a pile of " secondary" glass available. for all the co.'s that did slags. was ingrediants that expensive during the time frame of slags ?? hmm. .. the books, all of them, don't pin down specifics of the slag. generalities ... comments please. thanks. bill

  2. without too much referancing past " opinions"

    in the books .. what is the defination of a machine-

    made slag ... not handgathered, .. machine .. and .. what glass was used in the process ? " slag glass" you say :lol: just a thought .. slag, to me, refers to what floats to the top. this " refuse" was used to make the marbles ??? i don't think so ..

    second part .. peltier slags " usually" are i.d. using the feathers as an indicator .. what about the 1's that don't feather ?? swirls ?? for me, i'm gonna stop reading so much :white-flag-25: ... bill

  3. Hey Bill, I think you're slippin' into senility as you've posted this beauty before, of course, with my own mental state computer-wise I can't rightly recall where. Better watch out Ron with all that time on his hands now is gaining on you. Don't want nothing breaking up your perfect team.....David

    puters been down, late in replying... nope, first time david for the yellow. har, and as far as ron goes, i don't think i'm ahead of him on much of anything david, haven't got enough yrs. left to make up the distance. and the marbling we do seems to be in the same direction and same motivations. always good times ... bill


  4. Thanks Bill. I sure admire that one you showned in post #23. You know what one. You didn't dig that one, did you ?

    Talk about superb !


    yep .. from the lot mike. as you know, fine examples came from there. excellant showing mike. keep em coming. bill








  5. Hey Bill, I remember that show, I think Joe was rooming with Ed Parsons, he showed them to me and I told him they were new mexican marbles, I think he paid $10 each after the kid told him some story about how old they were, I remember him running after the 2 guys, he was furious. LOL

    monday steve and my memory is good ... today. the story was .. har .. his parents lived the street above the plant, they do, and while digging the garden,.. walla .. these popped up. shiny and new. and joe was red-faced and pulsing the whole time. bill

  6. Billy, JABO?? I've never seen any like those. They look like they are from South of the Border to me. I' ll bet Andy doesn't know who you are or what your avatar represents. I'llo bet we both have friends who have dug more Akro that the appraiser has ever seen. Wonder if he could ID some of those?

    been awhile steve. ron's memory will serve better. they .were new .. and it hit the fan when joe found out. due south as has been said. corrected. bill

  7. when i saw these .. flashback .. the first w.v.m.c.c. show ... if these are the same, and they look it .. were sold to joe wilkerson .. and 15 min. later he was told they were .. jabo's. cherry red base with the spiral. and the sellers from clarksburg were removed from the show within hrs. i mailed this seller ... and was " really" assured they were the real-deal. roadshow appraisal and all .... bill

  8. Bill, the problem is where do you make the statement that will reach all collectors, it's sorta impossible wouldn't you agree? It's really up to the buyers to educate themselve's before they go buying something. Whats the deal w/ all the Jabo's floating around, I'm sure they will eventually show up at flea markets and in jars at antique malls, it's impossible to warn the collectors out there unless there is a central location for information concerning marbles. The books were a good start but they are not updated fast enough to keep up w/ all the new stuff being made and they were more of a stupid price guide that screwed a lot of us out of marbles because everyone in their mother used them to price marbles at flea markets. Ebay and the books caused marble prices to go crazy.

    i agree with what you say gregg. the only 2 places i know of are the discussion boards and by word of mouth. the boards, which i've seen many warnings about a bad .. something .. being posted on many occasions. and appreciated by many. what my thought is that NOT everybody is as smart as ... some .. and if there's a bummer coming in the door .. I would like to know about it. before somebody gets nailed, me,you .. and hearing a lame remark .. ya shouda known ?? well, yea .. but do i .. you .. need to get nailed to wise up ... when the knowledge is there to prevent it ??? end of this for me. marble on. bill

  9. Bill,

    What makes you think my announcing in this forum that an eBay sulphide is new, would have prevented the high bidders from bidding?

    When this batch of sulphides was made, some 4 to 5 years ago, I had several sold on eBay as new. That's about the biggest audience of marble collectors I know of.

    The colored glass eagle sulphides were amongst them, but not commissioned by me.

    What I had done, was to ask a friendly marble maker in Lauscha to obtain some miniature coin sulphides for me, which at the time were being sold on eBay as antique, and for big bucks. My friend did know the maker, who apparently was unwilling to sell them directly to me. So my friend made me a few, including some of his own design (the eagle amongst them), all of which were sold on eBay as new, and at a loss.

    A continual heads up would be nice, but how should it be done? Here on the boards for an elite few?

    Who should have warned the high bidder of the $20 cork that just sold for $260 on eBay?

    Who should have warned the grandmother I saw pay $25 at a local flea-market this weekend for a 1/2 pint of ordinary Jabos?

    Or the collector who invested some $100,000.00 in Christensen exotics and was turned down years ago by Danny Turner of (the old) Running Rabbit when he wanted them resold?

    Did the people (which includes me) who spent tens of thousands on California sulphides ever consult the article in Antique & Collectors Reproduction News (June 1994)?

    Ever hear of the collector who killed himself some some 10 years ago when he found out he wasted a fortune on John Deere marbles?

    Most of us have been burned; some worse than others.

    Sure, we'd all like to be educated, but contrary to what they may have taught you from kindergarten on, you'd better learn to do it yourself - no one is going to continually spoon-feed you.


    thanks for the responce on this hansel.but i do, and still think a statement should have come out long before people spent big $ on these. as have many warnings been put out on the boards. and, for me, there is no " elites" on the boards. it's supposed to be a community situation for the benefit of all. sure, people get taken left and right, because of .. whatever ... uninformed .. ignorance ... deception .. but when there's a chance to head this off, it should be taken. period. responsibility, hell yes, ... people need to know a train's coming ... i just bought some .. i don't know's .. but i do know they are vintage. not new. no tricks involved there. and the spoon-fed comment .. kinda condensending don't you think ??? i guess it's buyer beware

    especially from .. whom .. bill

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