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Posts posted by mibcapper

  1. There was a guy at the WVMCC show who showed pics of an approx. 6' tall X 4' wide American Indian portrait made completely out of different colors/shapes/types of old arrowheads. It was absolutely amazing. The piece was willed to him by an old man who spent his life gathering arrowheads and artifacts.

    Maybe Ron S. can tell you his name as Ron bought an old marble toy from him at the show. Paul Bunyon and Babe the blue ox toy perhaps?

    Man- my memory is going.

    naw .. memory is rite on ... just don't lose ur marbles :lol-016: ... and ron don't let that toy out of his sight ... bill

  2. The one thing I do know about newbies and the marble chat boards over the years is that they do not want to get involved in the crap that goes on. They then either just lurk and, hopefully, learn a little bit about the identification of marbles, marble history and the joy of collection, OR they just go away. The former is kind of okay but they don't ask questions (for fear of being dumped on) and the latter is a tragedy because there are very few venues where a newbie can learn about marble collecting. It has been this way the 11 years or so since I've been on the boards. It takes a strong individual to get involved and try to learn from the boards.

    agree all the way al. certain things concerning marbles needs to be brought forth .. for sure, but ALL these personality conflicts NEED to go elsewhere ... how about p.m's or ... out in the street. hell, there's more .. yakin .. going on than showing pics of what all of us are " supposed" to interested in. like this ..... bill

  3. what turn my crank is when people say things just for effect...it helps nobody to beat a dead horse to constantly beride peoples endeavors and its a conspiricy (sp) and noone can convince me otherwise..i could go a long time without sayin just to be sayin something but when the b,s appears i claim foul....is it worth sayin over and over again---i think not...the hidden agenda that started this rears its ugly head every once and again and the proprietor of the tumolt thinks it helps his sales ...ever notice the negitive remrks start every time theres a certain run at jabo?? not by accident my fellow marblers....ck it out yourself....

    steve .. i think it's about time to kik some rocks around again.... been a while .. B) ... bill


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