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Posts posted by Bocci

  1. I agree with the above statement, however what happens to a flood? It will go away. The old company's turned out millions of marbles EVERY day for years. They shipped box car loads. There must have been billions turned out over the years. Where are all those marbles today? Some of them are selling for big money (when you can find them). I believe that what we are seeing with Jabo is the same thing people were seeing from the early 1900's through the 1940's when the old marble company's started fading out. Of course Jabo production is just a drop in the bucket compared to the marbles turned out on a daily bases by the old company's that are just history now. IMHO ----Leroy----

    I really don't think it is fair to compare ANYTHING thats being made to day to anything that was made yesteryear. The one BIG difference? Everybody and their mother collects today and nobody throws ANYTHING away.

    ALL the (car loads of) vintage marbles we keep hearing about? they are pretty much gone. Mom threw them all out. Along with all my vintage yankee baseball cards. Nobody thought to save these things then and thats why the BIG dollars (they ARE rare). Todays not the same. Everything is being kept somewhere safe for the future. Not saying todays marble won't have any value. Just saying they won't be worth nearly as much as it's older brothers.

    (imho) in the future the supply will dominate the demand.

  2. Dave wrote me that the washout to set the tank for the most recent 2009 Joker 2nd Run Oxblood/Aventurine Series was named after his second granddaughter, "Mylee" by Rick Hall & Ed Parsons two of the main investors of the Joker run. These marbles are 1/2" and 5/8" in diameter.

    I must say they sure are sweet...Jabo "Mylee" Run.

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