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Posts posted by Bocci

  1. Steph, to me a CAC striped opaque (or translucent) w/wild colors = "Exotic".

    Some of Mr. McCormick's certaintly look constructed that way and with the wild colors? Voila!

    but no they are not CA "Exotics".

    There "Lucky Charms" and there magically different.005.gif

    Get it?

  2. Here is one I got from my old friend Tom (can you tell me where he's gone?) Reed. LOL j/k

    It's signed with a cool little gold shamrock.


    and yeah they do have that CAC look (If not for the mark) scary.

    Some VERY exotic.

    Get that site up...please?

    add: Brad, They are Nice.

  3. Sad. I don't know what to say. I never met Guy in person but I knew he was a good man and something special to the marble community. Like others here he was generous and always friendly to me. I always enjoyed reading his posts and of his knowledge of peltiers. Early on when I took a liking to pelts he sent me a very nice assortment.

    I too will miss Guy.

    God bless Denise and Family.

  4. (This could be fun)

    Anybody got marbles with faces on them?

    Here is one I recently acquired.

    I was thinking...Dr. Seuss's interpretation of a penquin? :rolleyes:


    What do you think?

    Anybody else care to show me their face? :D

  5. well it looks like we might just find out the exotic truth after all.

    I have just been informed (by an e-z board registered user) that a well traveled gum shoe from the Chicago area, Mr. Tom Reed (the man who pooped peltiers) is on the case as I speak.

    I sure hope he can get to the bottom of this (no pun intended).

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