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Aklaska Marbles


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Hi All,

My wife and I returned from our trip to Alaska a week ago today. At the Anchorage Museum we came across a display covering recreation and leisure. Marbles were a part of that, apparently, even in winter. Please find attached some images of that display. Cheers.







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Hi Kevin,

Thanks for your reply. I tried to post larger images, but was "told" they were too big. If you or others can give me some advice, I will be happy to send larger (hopefully) images. I'm pretty sure there's a Peerless Patch in there, maybe some other Peltiers, maybe some Vitro Conquerors, and who knows what. I am a dilettante when it comes to marbles and my ids here have come from books. I have a fair amount of machine mades (that my uncle had from when he was a kid, that he gave to me when I was a kid, and marbles that I got when I was a kid, and a lot of marbles my uncle gave to me later; from swap meets, etc.) but I have limited hands-on knowledge. I just hope I didn't lose too many of my uncle's marbles when I played as a kid. I hope I can get to a marble convention some time, even if I drive everybody crazy with all my questions. The first and only one I attended was probably ten years ago (+/-) in Foster City CA and I knew nothing. There don't seem to be a lot of marble shows in California.


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